回归正题,今天推荐两本英文原著书:《The Scarlet Letter》《Twice-Told Tales》,都是出自同一个人的手,Nathaniel Hawthorne,19世纪美国小说家,代表作是《The Scarlet Letter》,不知是否有中文版可以看,好难翻译这个标题,只有看过整本书的人才能够体会到这个标题的意思吧。第二本书也很出名在当时的美国,《重说一遍的故事》,不知道翻译得对不对,肤浅地能这么翻译吧。
Nathaniel Hawthorne是一位伟大的作家。在《The Scarlet Letter》中,他已经被认为是一名浪漫主义者,而且是黑暗的那种,用他精湛的语言描写揭露了当时的清教徒社会以及清教徒中最黑暗的一面。同一个作者,我惊奇地发现在我昨天阅读的《Twice-Told Tales》中,他用每个小故事展现出一种温柔还有一种人性的关爱。《Twice-Told Tales》是由许多小故事组成,每一个故事,每一个人,每一个渲染的地方,每一个情感,每一个情节,都是完美的,读完以后心情不知道为什么,很愉悦,很开心。
我希望高中生能看看《Twice-Told Tales》,因为在这本书中,Hawthorne 用他的温柔,用他的那种对人性的关爱写下了每一个小故事,不能说拯救了我们的“人之初,性本善”吧,只能说让高中生对这个社会的看法也不会太坏,凡事都有因果,社会的进步退步跟人民密不可分,别愤青,想想你能做点什么,如果不能,好好接受。同时,可能会让学生对自己的命运选择,还有更多的后续内容进行一个启发。对于气质也是一个不错的积累。因为通过小小的故事,学生们可以对栩栩如生的美国历史进行一些讨论,人性如何复杂,为何复杂,人的命运,人的年龄,什么对你来说是最重要的,什么是值得你用生命来守护的,柏拉图式的爱情,身体的爱情,孤独,快乐,悲伤。如果您对写作有兴趣的话,可能还能启发学生们的写作思路以及素材积累呢。
最神奇的是在《Twice-Told Tales》这本书中的24个小故事,让我挑出一个最爱的我都无能为力,因为没有原因,都太精彩了,没有敷衍了事,没有草草结笔。
- 在“Legends of Province House”四卷故事中,有一个担心美国革命时代的老忠实粉丝分析这本书:the stories are both history lesson and a moving portrayal of the fears and anticipation of a changing America.
- 在“Lady Eleanor’s Mantle”这个故事中,在埋葬与焚烧中,可以让一个国家蓬勃发展一步步壮大。
- “The Village Uncle”提供了一个充满美好生活的迷人场景,一位老年人是这样评价的: “I recalled no happier portion of my life, than this, my calm old age.”
这个时代的完美故事当之无愧就是“The Sister Years”,讲述了除夕。叙述者在描述未来一年作为一名年轻女子时,准确又完美,“so much promise and such an indescribable hopefulness in her aspect that hardly anybody could meet her without anticipating some very desirable thing — some long sought good — from her kind offices. A few dismal characters there may be, here and there about the world, who have so often been trifled with by young maidens as promising as she, that they have now ceased to pin any faith upon the skirts of the new year. But, for my own part, I have great faith in her; and should I live to see fifty more such, still, from each of those successive sisters, I shall reckon upon receiving something that will be worth living for.” hallelujah.
故事发展到后面出来一个年长的姐姐,在新年前夕见面的时候,她建议自己的妹妹说“To expect no gratitude nor good will from this peevish, unreasonable, inconsiderate, ill-intending and worse-behaving world. However, warmly its inhabitants may seem to welcome you, yet, do what you may, and lavish on them what means of happiness you please, they will still be complaining, still craving what is not in your power to give, still looking forward to some other Year for the accomplishment of projects which out never to have been formed, and which, if successful, would only provide new occasions for discontent. If these ridiculous people ever see any thing tolerable inn you, it will be after you are gone forever.” 没错,就是“nail on the head”,完美(祖蓝手势)。
“Snowflakes” 绝对是一个对新英格兰的冬天一个精美的描写,写得我发誓不敢往北走。
有些章节我都记得不太清了,有些情节我也记得不太清了(很有可能记混了哈哈),但是有些经典的描写还有人生哲理的启发的句子我很多都抄下来了,有些放在Evernote 里面,都是我珍贵的记忆。