Habit5: Seek first to understand, then to be understand.
You have to build the skills of empathic listening on a base of character that inspires openess and trust.
the ability to understand other people’s feelings and problems
empathy with/for
例:She had great empathy with people
造句:Empathetic lestening is vitale in interation with others.
2.apply yourself
You've got the ability, but you just don't apply yourself.
to work very hard on something for a long time.
例:You need to prove to an employer that you can apply yourself.
造句:You need to apply yourself to read this book
I'm only interested in your welfare.
someone’s welfare is their health and happiness:
例:Our only concern is the children’s welfare.
造句:Comparing one's wealth with his welfare, the latter is more important.
It is evident in how I actually experience you.
if you experience a problem, event, or situation, it happens to you or affects you:experience problems/difficulties
例:Many old people will experience problems as the result of retirement.
造句:The young need to experience difficulties for themselves in order to learn from them.
If your private performance doesn't square with your public performance, it's very hard for me to open up with me.
square (something) with something if you square two ideas, statements etc with each other or if they square with each other, they are considered to be in agreement:
例:His story simply does not square with the facts.
造句:I‘ll take the day off, if I can square with my boss.
最典型的应该就是书中提到的关于家长和孩子交流的例子了。小朋友说自己不想上学,家长根本没有站在小朋友的角度想想是不是他在学校受人欺负了?被老师教育了?还是上课跟不上? 家长直接站在自己的角度说,一定要去好好学习啊,我付出了那么多就是为了让你上这个好学校。
The amateur salesman sells products; the professional sells solutions to needs and problems。