There's an idiom that says "seeing is believing", but seeing is also not reality-whether it's a prehistoric cave painting or a pornography, in which celebrity faces have been pasted onto the writhing, naked bodies of adult actors.The seeing is constantly being deceived. In the past, visual deception has been widely used in art. In the 17th century, the french audiences were bewitched by trompe-l'oeil, a realist-painting technique in which objects seem to emerge from the frame.Baroque churches are famous for their ceiling frescos that lift the pious gaze into the heavens. Nowadays, virtual reality has promised visual deception inappreciable, and the emergence of "inception" has made dreams "close to" reality.Increasingly realistic imaging techniques have led to the idea that science& technology can bend reality.
The question is "Can science& technology bend really reality"?If science& technology can bend reality, what is reality?
"Reality" is a contradiction and unity -- science and technology originated in the objective material world, and it is human's "knowledge" of the objective material world that creates science and technology. In turn, science and technology have helped mankind to transform the objective material world, indirectly promoting its own development.
To a certain extent, science & technology can transform reality, maybe it is more technology that bends the appearance of reality than its essence.