各行各业都有职业行话,比如, 对分析数据的统计师们"significant"一词意味着格外的惊喜,对做网站的朋友来说 "traffic"一词关系着成败关键。在职场也有些普遍使用的行话,在开会时,邮件里,或日常对话里经常出现。在美工作的职场新人可能会有点懵, 放心, 不久你就听惯了,因为似乎人人都在用。
1. My two cents
直译我的两分钱,其实指的是我的一点建议/想法 (my opinion)。
"I choose to listen before I add my two cents."
2. On the same page
都在一页纸上(据说最早源自合唱时大家都用一样的歌谱),就是大家想法一致或获得的信息一致(have the same understanding or amount of knowledge)。
"We all need to be on the same page before we present this idea to the clients."
3. Give somebody a heads up
预先通知一下 (give someone a preliminary notice)。
"I just want to give you a heads up that we will have review session in the next class."
4. Action item
任务/事项(task)。 最常用的是在会议结束前列出action item list (任务清单),且经常列出每个任务的执行人/责任人是谁。
"Here are the new action items from the customer meeting."
5. Think outside the box
跳出特定的思维定式,展开新的思路 (think creatively)。也可说成 "think out of the box"。
"It is important for businesses and banks to think outside the box and be flexible."
6. Low-hanging fruit
"Pick the low-hanging fruit" 就是先从离地面比较近的开始采摘,然后采摘离地面高的,即先完成容易实现的目标 (a thing or person that can be won, obtained, or persuaded with little effort)。
"Let's start with the low-hanging fruit before the more difficult projects."
7. Helicopter view
坐在直升机上鸟瞰,表示视野宽广,宏观看待全局(a broad view of the business)。
"He was executive assistant to the chief operating officer, a position that gave him a helicopter view of the sprawling company."
8. Buy-in
"We need to get buy-in from upper management. "
9. Cutting-edge
具有开创性的, 最先进的 (innovative)。
"The scientists are employing cutting-edge technology."
10. Raise the bar
跳高时,每成功越过一个高度,竿就升高一些。"Raise the bar" 在日常用语中就是提高标准的意思 (raise the standard)。
"For more than 20 years, Pixar animated movies have raised the bar when it comes to creativity and storytelling."
11. Key takeaways
重点,最主要的观点/信息。一般指在会议,学习,阅读后得到的最关键的东西 (important points)。
"Here are three key takeaways from the regional conference."
12. Streamline
"Streamline"是指在设计上减少阻力,让水流或气流通畅流动。现在泛指为简化,精简 (to improve the efficiency of a process)。
"The agency is planning to streamline the application procedure."
本着娱乐精神,我用上面的罗列的12个词(拼凑了)写了一段话, 听着地道不:
Hi, team.
I’d like to provide my two cents. While our current primary action item is to tackle the low-hanging fruit, we should also think outside the box and seek cutting-edge solutions. Taking a helicopter view will allow us to streamline our communications with customers and gain buy-in from investors.
The key takeaway from the latest board meeting is that as the competition becomes fiercer than ever, we have to raise the bar in our customer care and engagement. We will have more discussion on this at our next meeting. I just want to give you a heads up and make sure we are on the same page.