The sleep helps reset our body and brain. Normally, sleep is comprised of two stages: Non-rapid eye movement stage and rapid eye movement stage (Shortened to NREM and REM).
Within the NREM, there are sub-stages as follows:
1 Awake/Light sleep
2 Light sleep
3/4 Deep sleep
In stage 1, your heartbeat rate, body temperature and electrical brain activities slow down.
In stage 3 and 4, your brain waves become active and powerful. Your immune system is recharged, cardiovascular system overhauled, and memory solidified.
Within REM
You start having wildest dreams. Your brain wave activities pick up. The brain works on the emotional first aid soothing the difficult emotional experiences you've had during the day. Your creativity and imagination is lit up. That's why sometimes you wake up with better ideas and solutions to once hard challenges.
The NREM and REM form a sleep cycle of 90 minutes. The brain starts the cycle every 90 minutes. The two fight for the domination of the brain. In the first half of the night, NREM takes up more time. In the second half, REM takes up more time.
Lack of sleep will sever the communication between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. Amaygdala (emotion) will get out of control.
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