最早接触教练是2013年底,当时我在一家德国企业负责sales & marketing,面对国内市场的变化和不确定性,本土品牌的强大竞争、产品策略和结构的调整、组织结构的变化调整,公司和我都面临着巨大的挑战,压力无处不在,睡不着、焦虑很自然地带给战壕里伙伴和下属,在下属的眼里我也曾经面目狰狞,发号施令!
我的德国老板Alex,将他的教练推荐给我和管理层的其他同事,一位来自美国的老先生Mr. Charles Hamrick, 2013年的时候他76岁,他是double E工科背景、MBA和心理学硕士出身,教练和摄影是他的两大挚爱,一个人在由新西兰、美国、澳大利亚、上海组成的城市圈中生活和工作,保持好奇和寻找超越模式和范式背后的真实,帮助客户探寻深藏的真实价值取向以及自身资源和优势,由内而外的自我超越,是他二十多年教练生涯的写照,他也是公益组织的一员,帮助超级罪犯重新回到阳光下的生活,这些点滴是我们差不多一年的教练时间里,十几次的教练对话结束后,聊聊家常的点滴中得来的,遗憾的是,他已经不在这个繁华世界了!
我也从对教练的不那么认可到后来觉得很神奇,也是从那个时候开始对心理学发生了兴趣,Charles也因此推荐了我一些心理学的书籍,如《第七感》、《由内而外的教养》、《全脑教养法》、《乌合之众》等,对于我的成长和再生非常有帮助,也随着教练的提问,在不断地思考、探索、察觉中,得心应手和心平气静的背后是接纳与改变,而生活和工作也彼此交融,密不可分!教练也随之印入脑海... ....
2018年的4月13日,记忆中很清楚的画面,天有点阴阴的,飘着一丝细雨,穿着一条红色印花裙装、背着书包,真正进入教练的课堂学习... ...
Here is Charles's introduction from Linkedin
Curious, searching beyond models and paradigms, with coaching and photography as my two great passions.
In coaching, my purpose is to invite another to discover internal values and sources of knowledge and strength. Ultimately it is about learning to trust self so as to express that within.
In photography, my purpose is to relate viewers to nature, life, and relationship, through telling stories, sparking interest, capturing the dance of life, and bringing the moment into the future.
Over twenty years of coaching experience, with over 500 people from eighty countries representing over sixty organisations. Several years in crisis management, working with executives and families in challenging environments. Coach at all levels from senior corporate executives to young graduates starting their careers.
Twenty years as a senior corporate executive in the semiconductor and aircraft engine businesses, responsible for Asia Pacific spanning Japan to India. Have lived and worked in sixteen countries, establishing operations and developing people. Have a constant thread of public service, working with autistic children, local charities, and mental health services.