

 Choose the best answer

1、Which of following is the country of Slumdog Millonaire?

A. Britain    B. France C. Italy

2、Which of following is the type of The Proposal?

A. Comedy            B. Romance 

C. Romantic comedy

3、Which of following is the country of The


A. American B. England C. France

4、Which of following is the firms was selected for preservation in the US Nation Firm Registry?

A. The Proposal  B. The Graduate

C. Golden Eye

5、( ) is a Scottish actor.He is bestknown for playing James Bond in seven Bond films.

A.Will Smith   B. Sean Connery C.Daniel Craig D.Gael Garcia Bernal

6、( ) is an English film,stage and television actress.She has received many award nominations for her acting.

A.Scarlett Johansson   B.Angelina Jolie C.Helena Bonham Carter D.Judi Dench

7、( ) is an Amercian actor,producer and rapper.He has enjoyed success in television,film and music.

A.Will Smith B.Brad Pitt C.Robert De Nior D.Dan Taylor

8、( ) is an Amercian actress,model and singer.She was nominated for the Film Independent Spirit Award for Best Actress.

A.Juliette Binoche   B.Meg Ryan C.Scarlett Johansson D.Khloe Kardashia.

Speaking for communicate

9、Which of the following is the romantic comedy film ?

A.Speed B.French kiss C.The Proposal

10、Which of the following is the star in the Speed?

A.Meg Ryan           B.Kevin Kline 

C.Jack Traven

White T for True and F for False

Short conversations&Long conversation

1、( )The man attended John`s party on time.

2、( ) The woman is going to write a term paper on Shakespeare.

3、( ) This man prefers jazz music.

4、They are discussing their different lives after college.

5、( ) The man thought that the woman' s scholarship was the result of her hard work.

6、( ) The man and the woman went to the same beach.

7、( ) The man likes to build sandcastles with his nieces and nephews.

8、( ) This woman likes to bask in the sun on the beach.

9、( ) Tim is older than Monica.

Fill in the blanks

1B____is a four-day m____festival. The festival has been held annually in late s____ since 2004, in a small country p___ called 'Robin Hill'. The event is organized by BBC Radio 1 left field DJ Rob da Bank and is an off-shoot of his Sunday Best record label and club nights. Creative Director and wife Josie da Bank and co founders / partners John and Ziggy from Get Involved are also involved in organising the event. 

The initial Bestival att____10,000 people, growing to 55,000 in 2010. Bestival is nominated for 'Best Major Festival' and 'Best Dance Event' at the 2014 UK Festival Awards, having won 'Best-Medium Sized Festival' in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009, 'Best Major Festival' in 2010 and 2012, 'Fan's Favourite' in 2011 and 'Best Innovation' in 2005.A family-friendly sister festival ‘Camp Bestival’ launched in 2008.

 The festival is heavily involved in supporting so___ and env_____causes. Bestival is a founding member of the Greener Festival Alliance. Rob da Bank and Bestival support several Isle of Wight based charities and youth organisations; for example Rob da Bank's Music Club, Isle of Wight Youth Trust. On site at the festival, Bestival supports Oxfam, RSPB, Amnesty International, Water Aid and the Legacy Project. Bestival actively re____its carbon emissions and impact on the environment; for example schemes such as Bike to Bestival, Swim to Bestival, exchanging recycling at the campsites for cups of tea, recycling and waste management, monitoring power usage and limiting water usage with push button taps.

2Passage 1

Younger people tend to have different h  from old people.According to the s  ,comparing the 16 to 24 age group with those aged 55 and over,the activities which were reported less frequently as age in  were listening to music ; surfing the internet ande  ; doing sports and exercise;going out to pubs,clubs or bars;and going out to the c .

答案:一、1、A 2、C 3、A 4、B

5、B 6、D  7、A  8、C  

9、B 10、C

 二、F F F F T F F T T

 三、11.Bestival 3.summer 4.park 5.attracted 7.environmental 8.reduces

 21.hobbies 2.survey 3. increased 4. emailing 5. Cinema

释义:1Bestival音乐节为期四天。自2004年以来,这个节日每年夏末都在一个叫“罗宾山”的小郊野公园举行。这次活动是由BBC第一广播电台left field DJ Rob da Bank组织,是他的Sunday Best唱片公司和俱乐部之夜的一个分支.创意总监和妻子Josie da Bank及Get Involved的联合创始人/合伙人John和Ziggy也参与了活动的组织工作。


这个节日大量参与支持社会和环境事业。Bestival也是绿色节日联盟的创始成员。Rob da Bank和Bestival支持怀特岛的几个慈善机构和青年组织;例如Rob da Bank的音乐俱乐部,怀特岛青年信托基金。在节日现场,Bestival支持乐施会、RSPB(皇家防止虐待动物协会)、大赦国际、水援助和遗产项目。Bestival积极减少碳排放和对环境的影响;自行车到Bestival,游泳到Bestival,在营地交换回收的茶杯,回收和废物管理,委托环境影响评估,监测电力使用和限制用水与按钮水龙头。


2005年英国艺术节:最佳中型艺术节 2005年英国艺术节最佳创新奖







DJ Mag的最佳英国奖2012:最佳音乐节 阿特罗克奖2012:年度节日




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