
4.4 Find out what you and others are like.

4.4 认识你自己以及他人。

Because of the biases with which we are wired, our self-assessments (and our assessments of others) tend to be highly inaccurate. Psychometric assessments are much more reliable. They are important in helping explore how people think during the hiring process and throughout employment. Though psychometric assessments cannot fully replace speaking with people and looking at their backgrounds and histories, they are far more powerful than traditional interviewing and screening methods. If I had to choose between just the assessments or just traditional job interviews to get at what people are like, I would choose the assessments. Fortunately, we don’t have to make that choice.


The four main assessments we use are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Workplace Personality Inventory, the Team Dimensions Profile, and Stratified Systems Theory.But we are constantly experimenting (for example, with the Big Five) so our mix will certainly change. Whatever the mix, they all convey people’s preferences for thinking and action. They also provide us with new attributes and terminologies that clarify and amplify those we had identified on our own. I will describe a few of them below. These descriptions are based on my own experiences and learnings, which are in many ways different from the official descriptions used by the assessment companies.

我们使用的四个主要心理评估是:迈尔斯 - 布里格斯类型指标(MBTI),职场人格量表,团队维度概况和分层系统理论。但是我们正在不断实验(例如,与大五人格测试)组合使用,这些组合肯定会有变化。但无论什么样的组合,它们都传达了人们思考和行动上的偏好。它们还为我们提供了新的属性和术语,以对我们自己已经确定的人格特质进行澄清和强化。我将在下文描述其中的一些。这些描述是基于我自己的经验和学习,与心理评估公司使用的官方描述有许多不同之处。

**a. Introversion vs. extroversion. **Introverts focus on the inner world and get their energy from ideas, memories, and experiences while extroverts are externally focused and get their energy from being with people. Introversion and extroversion are also linked to differences in communication styles. If you have a friend who loves to “talk out” ideas (and even has trouble thinking through something if there isn’t someone around to work it through with), he or she is likely an extrovert. Introverts will usually find such conversations painful, preferring to think privately and share only after they’ve worked things out on their own. I’ve found that it is important to help each communicate in the way that they feel most comfortable. For example, introverts often prefer communicating in writing (such as email) rather than speaking in group settings and tend to be less open with their critical thoughts.

a. 内向与外向。内向者专注于内心世界,他们从思想、记忆和经验中获得能量;而外向者则专注在外部,在与他人相处中获得能量。 内向与外向也与不同的沟通风格有关。如果你有一个喜欢“说出”想法的朋友(甚至在周围没人一起工作时,他们就没法想清楚问题,那么他或她很可能是一个外向者)。内向者通常会感觉这样的对话很痛苦,他们宁愿私下思考,而且只有在他们自己想清楚之后才会分享他们的想法。我发现帮助每个人以他们最舒服的方式进行交流非常重要。例如,内向者通常喜欢以书面形式(比如电子邮件)交流,而不是在小组环境中进行交流,他们对于批判性的想法往往也不那么开放。

**b. Intuiting vs. sensing. **Some people see big pictures (forests) and others see details (trees). In the Myers-Briggs framework, these ways of seeing are best represented by the continuum from intuiting to sensing. You can get an idea of people’s preferences by observing what they focus on. For example, when reading, a sensing person who focuses on details can be thrown off by typos such as “there” instead of “their,” while intuitive thinkers won’t even notice the mistake. That is because the intuitive thinker’s attention is focused on the context first and the details second. Naturally, you’d rather have a sensing person than an intuitor preparing your legal documents, where every “i” must be properly dotted and every “t” crossed just so.

b. 直觉与感知。有些人看大局(森林),另一些人看细节(树)。在迈尔斯 - 布里格斯人格理论框架中,从直觉到感知连续看问题的方式是最好的。你可以通过观察人们所关注的东西,来了解他们的偏好。例如,在阅读时,一个专注于细节的感知型可能会被诸如“哪”而不是“那”这样的错别字打断,而直觉型思考者甚至看不到这些错误。这是因为直觉思维者的注意力首先集中在语境上。然后才是细节。自然,你宁愿一个感知者,而不是一个直觉者来准备你的法律文件,因为法律文件要求只字不差,字斟句酌。

c. Thinking vs. feeling. Some people make decisions based on logical analysis of objective facts, considering all the known, provable factors important to a given situation and using logic to determine the best course of action. This approach is an indicator of a preference for thinking and is how you’d hope your doctor thinks when he makes a diagnosis. Other people—who prefer feeling—focus on harmony between people. They are better suited to roles that require lots of empathy, interpersonal contact, and relationship building, for example HR and customer service. Before we had assessments to identify these differences, conversations between “Ts” and “Fs” were really frustrating. Now we laugh as we bump up against our differences, because we know what they are and can see them playing out in classic ways.

c. 思维与情感。有些人依据对客观事实的逻辑分析做出决定,他们认为所有已知的,被证实的因素对于一个给定的情境很重要,并且运用逻辑来确定最佳的行动方案。这样的行为方式可以提示你这是个偏思维型的人,你希望你的医生在做出诊断时也这样去思考问题。另一些人偏情感型,他们关注人与人之间的和谐。这些人更适合那些需要大量同理心、人际交往和关系建设的角色,比如人力资源和客服。在我们没有评估和识别出这些差异之前,“思维型”和“情感型”人之间的对话真的很让人沮丧。现在当我们遇到这样的分歧时,会一笑而过,因为我们知道对方是哪种类型的人,并能看出对方的言行有多典型。

d. Planning vs. perceiving. Some people like to live in a planned, orderly way and others prefer flexibility and spontaneity. Planners (or “Judgers” in Myers-Briggs terms) like to focus on a plan and stick with it, while perceivers are prone to focus on what’s happening around them and adapt to it. Perceivers work from the outside in; they see things happening and work backward to understand the cause and how to respond; they also see many possibilities that they compare and choose from—often so many that they are confused by them. In contrast, planners work from the inside out, first figuring out what they want to achieve and then how things should unfold. Planners and perceivers have trouble appreciating each other. Perceivers see new things and change direction often. This is discomforting to planners, who weigh precedent much more heavily in their decision making, and assume if it was done in a certain way before, it should be done in the same way again. Similarly, planners can discomfort perceivers by being seemingly rigid and slow to adapt.

d.规划与觉知。有些人喜欢有计划的有条不紊地生活,有些则喜欢灵活的,随遇而安的生活。规划型(或者迈尔斯 - 布里格斯的“判断型”)喜欢关注计划并坚持下去,而觉知型倾向于关注发生在他们周围事情,并适应它。觉知型由外向内运作; 他们察觉到发生的事情,并探索背后的原因,以及应如何应对; 他们也看到了有很多的可能性供他们比较和选择。但也常常因为选择太多而感到困惑。相反,规划型的运作方式是从内到外的,他们先搞清楚他们想要达到的目标,然后再思考如何开展工作。 规划型和觉知型很难互相欣赏。觉知型经常看到新事物并改变方向。这对规划型来说是令人不安的,规划型在决策中把过往的先例看的很重,并且认为以前以哪种方式完成,现在应该再次以这种的方式完成。 同样,规划型因为看起来很死板,适应速度很慢,也让觉知型感到不舒服。

e. Creators vs. refiners vs. advancers vs. executors vs. flexors. By identifying talents and preferences that lead people to feel a particular way, you can place them in jobs at which they will likely excel. At Bridgewater, we use a test called the “Team Dimensions Profile” (TDP) to connect people with their preferred role. The five types identified by the TDP are Creators, Refiners, Advancers, Executors, and Flexors.

创造者 vs 改进者 vs 推进者 vs 执行者 vs 灵活者。每个人因其感受事物的特定方式,有不同的天分和偏好,通过去识别这些,可以将人们放在各自可能更擅长的工作上。在桥水公司,我们使用“团队维度概况”(TDP)测试来将人员与他们较喜欢的工作联系起来。TDP把人分为五种类型:创造者,改进者,推进者,执行者和机动者。

• Creators generate new ideas and original concepts. They prefer unstructured and abstract activities and thrive on innovation and unconventional practices.

• 创作者产生新的想法和原创的概念。他们喜欢非结构化的和抽象的活动,喜欢创新和非常规的训练。

**• Advancers **communicate these new ideas and carry them forward. They relish feelings and relationships and manage the human factors. They are excellent at generating enthusiasm for work.

• 推进者传达这些新的想法并将其推进。他们享受情感、关系和管理人员。他们擅长激发人们的工作热情。

• Refiners challenge ideas. They analyze projects for flaws, then refine them with a focus on objectivity and analysis. They love facts and theories and working with a systematic approach.

• 改进者挑战现有的观点。他们分析项目的缺陷,然后通过客观的分析进行改进。他们喜欢事实和理论,并使用系统的方法工作。

**• Executors **can also be thought of as Implementers. They ensure that important activities are carried out and goals accomplished; they are focused on details and the bottom line.

•执行者也可以被认为是实施者。他们确保重要活动的开展和目标的实现; 他们专注于细节和底线。

• Flexors are a combination of all four types. They can adapt their styles to fit certain needs and are able to look at a problem from a variety of perspectives.


Triangulating what I learn from each test reinforces or raises questions about the pictures of people I’m forming in my head. For example, when people’s MBTI results suggest a preference for “S” (focus on details) and “J” (planful), and they come out as executors on the Team Dimension assessment, there is a very good chance that they are more detail-focused than right-brained and imaginative, which means that they would likely fit better in jobs that have less ambiguity and more structure and clarity.

我通过对从各个心理测试中学到的东西进行三方探讨,强化我大脑里对某个人产生的画面,也可能会对这个画面提出质疑。 例如,当某人的MBTI测试结果显示这个人是偏“S”型(注重细节)和“J”型(注重计划),且团队维度概况(TDP)测试的结果是执行者。那么很有可能此人更细节导向而非想象力丰富的右脑型,这意味着他们可能更适合那些不模棱两可的,结构和清晰度更高的工作。

f. Focusing on tasks vs. focusing on goals. Some people are focused on daily tasks while others are focused on their goals and how to achieve them. I’ve found these differences to be quite similar to the differences between people who are intuitive vs. sensing. Those who tend to focus on goals and “visualize” best can see the big pictures over time and are also more likely to make meaningful changes and anticipate future events. These goal-oriented people can step back from the day-to-day and reflect on what and how they’re doing. They are the most suitable for creating new things (organizations, projects, etc.) and managing organizations that have lots of change. They typically make the most visionary leaders because of their ability to take a broad view and see the whole picture.


In contrast, those who tend to focus on daily tasks are better at managing things that don’t change much or that require processes to be completed reliably. Task-oriented people tend to make incremental changes that reference what already exists. They are slower to depart from the status quo and more likely to be blindsided by sudden events. On the other hand, they’re typically more reliable. Although it may seem that their focus is narrower than higher-level thinkers, the roles they play are no less critical. I would never have gotten this book out or accomplished hardly anything else worthwhile if I didn’t work with people who are wonderful at taking care of details.


g. Workplace Personality Inventory. Another assessment we use is the Workplace Personality Inventory, a test based on data from the U.S. Department of Labor. It anticipates behavior and predicts job fit and satisfaction, singling out certain key characteristics/qualities, including persistence, independence, stress tolerance, and analytical thinking. This test helps us understand what people value and how they will make trade-offs between their values. For example, someone with low Achievement Orientation and high Concern for Others might be unwilling to step on others’ toes in order to accomplish their goals. Likewise, someone who is bad at Rule Following may be more likely to think independently.


We have found that something like twenty-five to fifty attributes can pretty well describe what a person is like. Each one comes in varying degrees of strength (like color tones). If you know what they are and put them together correctly, they will paint a pretty complete picture of a person. Our objective is to use test results and other information to try to do just that. We prefer to do it in partnership with the person being looked at, because it helps us be more accurate and at the same time it’s very helpful to them to see themselves objectively.

我们发现,二十五到五十个属性就可以很好地描述一个人是什么样的。每个人在相同的属性上力度也不一样(如颜色有不同的色调)。 如果你知道它们是什么并将它们准确地放在一起,那么你将绘制出一幅相当完整的人物图片。使用测试结果以及其他信息努力做到这一点是我们的目标。我们倾向通过与被观察者合作来做这件事,因为这既有助于结果更加准确,又可以帮助他们客观地看待自己。

Certain attributes combine frequently to produce recognizable archetypes. If you think about it, you can probably come up with a handful of archetypal people you meet over and over again in life: the spacey, impractical Artist; the tidy Perfectionist; the Crusher who runs through brick walls to get things done; the Visionary who pulls amazing big ideas seemingly out of the air. Over time I came up with a list of others, including Shaper, Chirper, Tweaker, and Open-Minded Learner, as well as Advancer, Creator, Cat-Herder, Gossiper, Loyal Doer, Wise Judge, and others.

某一些属性的结合经常能够产生识别度很高的原型。如果你想一下,你很可能想出一大堆你在人生中反复遇到的原型人物:那些缥缈的不切实际的艺术家; 有洁癖的完美主义者; 不择手段达成目标的粉碎机; 在天上画大饼的空想家。随着时间的推移,我又想出了其他的一些名单,包括塑造者,唧唧叫的人,表演者和开放的学习者,以及推进者,创造者,猫牧人,八卦者,忠诚的实干者,明断的法官等等。

To be clear, archetypes are less useful than the better fleshed-out pictures created through the assessments. They are not precise; they are more like simple caricatures, but they can be useful when it comes to assembling teams. Individual people will always be more complex than the archetypes that describe them, and they may well match up with more than one. For example, the Spacey Artist may or may not also be a Perfectionist or may be a Crusher too. While I won’t go over all of them, I will describe Shapers—the one that best represents me—in some depth.

要搞清楚的是,原型相比通过心理评估产生的更饱满的人物图片来说没那么有用。它们不精确; 更像是简单的漫画,但是在搭建团队时很有用。个人总是比描述他们的原型更为复杂,而且他们可能会有不止一个相匹配的原型。例如,缥缈的艺术家可能是也可能不是一个完美主义者,或者是粉碎机。 虽然我不会详细介绍所有这些原型,但我会在一定程度上描述最能代表我的“塑造者”。

h. Shapers are people who can go from visualization to actualization. I wrote a lot about the people I call “shapers” in the first part of this book. I use the word to mean someone who comes up with unique and valuable visions and builds them out beautifully, typically over the doubts of others. Shapers get both the big picture and the details right. To me, it seems that Shaper = Visionary + Practical Thinker + Determined.

h.塑造者是那些把想象的画面变成到现实的人。我在本书的第一部分写了很多关于那个我称为“塑造者”的人。 我用这个词来表达这种人,他们提出独特而有价值的愿景,在他人的质疑中,将他们的愿景漂漂亮亮的实现。 塑造者既能看到大局,又能看到细节。 对我来说,塑造者 = 愿景 + 实际的思考 +决心。

I’ve found that shapers tend to share attributes such as intense curiosity and a compulsive need to make sense of things, independent thinking that verges on rebelliousness, a need to dream big and unconventionally, a practicality and determination to push through all obstacles to achieve their goals, and a knowledge of their own and others’ weaknesses and strengths so they can orchestrate teams to achieve them. Perhaps even more importantly, they can hold conflicting thoughts simultaneously and look at them from different angles. They typically love to knock things around with other really smart people and can easily navigate back and forth between the big picture and the granular details, counting both as equally important.


People wired with enough of these ways of thinking that they can operate in the world as shapers are very rare. But they could never succeed without working with others who are more naturally suited for other things and whose ways of thinking and acting are also essential.

要具备足够的这些思维方式,让在世界上做为塑造者运作的人,非常稀有。 但是如果不和那些更自然的适合其他方面的人合作,塑造者绝不可能成功。因为这些人的思维方式和行为方式也是不可或缺的。

Knowing how one is wired is a necessary first step on any life journey. It doesn’t matter what you do with your life, as long as you are doing what is consistent with your nature and your aspirations. Having spent time with some of the richest, most powerful, most admired people in the world, as well as some of the poorest, most disadvantaged people in the most obscure corners of the globe, I can assure you that, beyond a basic level, there is no correlation between happiness levels and conventional markers of success. A carpenter who derives his deepest satisfaction from working with wood can easily have a life as good or better than the president of the United States. If you’ve learned anything from this book I hope it’s that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and everyone has an important role to play in life. Nature made everything and everyone for a purpose. The courage that’s needed the most isn’t the kind that drives you to prevail over others, but the kind that allows you to be true to your truest self, no matter what other people want you to be.

任何人生旅程必须要做的第一步都是了解一个人的思维方式是怎样的。你的人生拿来去做什么都没关系,只要你做的事情和自己的本性与愿望一致。我曾与世界上最富有,最有权势,最受尊敬的人们共度过一段时间,还有一些最贫困,住在全世界最偏僻的角落,处境最差的人。我可以向你们保证,超过一个基本的水平后,幸福程度和传统的成功之间没有什么相关性。一个从木头工作中获得最深刻满足感的木匠,很容易拥有和美国总统一样甚至更幸福的生活。 如果你已经从本书中学到了什么,我希望是每个人都有自己的优点和缺点,每个人在生活中都扮演着一个重要的角色。大自然创造的每样东西每一个人都是有目的。 你最需要具备的勇气不是驱使你超过他人的那种,而是不管他人希望你成为怎样的人,你都能勇敢地忠实于你最真实的自己。

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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 48,663评论 3 375
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 45,330评论 2 358
