A Final Note on Draftng
Before you begin, you know that you will eventually have to write a POINT sentence that your readers will recognize and judge important; you know that your POINT sentence will have key words that express central concepts that your readers must recognize as central if they are to make sense out of what follows. Before you begin to draft, then, there are a few things you might do so that you can draft productively. (在开始写作之前,你应该意识到要用一句话点明论点,让读者能够识别到其重要性;论点句中会包含一些关键的概念,围绕这些概念,读者能够理清你想表达的要点。所以,在开始写作之前,你应该做一些准备工作,使写作变得高效。)
1. List your main characters, including any abstractions that seem to act as sources of action. Decide which characters will most interest your audience, decide whose point of view you want to take. The point of view defned by those characters will constitute most of the topics in your topic strings. (列出故事的主要角色,包含那些作为行动源的抽象的角色。判断哪些角色对于读者最有吸引力,从而选择合适的论点。所选择的主要角色及其主要论点将决定文中主要的论题。)
2. List a few central concepts that you think will run through your whole text. Then around each of those key concepts create clusters of additional concepts. The words for those central and subordinate concepts will provide many of your thematic stnngs. (列出那些将会贯穿全文的主要概念,然后围绕这些概念提出一些附加的概念。这些主要概念及其附加概念构成了贯穿全文的系列主题词。)
3. If you think you know exactly what has to go into your POINT sentence, write it out. Specifcally use the characters that will constitute your major topic strings and the key concepts that will be the center of your clusters. (如果你明确知道将要表达的论点,清晰地写出来。论点句中应该使用之前列出的主要角色,主题词,关键概念。)
4. Subdivide the problem into manageable segments with their particular thematic strings and characters. (将要讨论的问题切分成容易上手的小问题,每个小问题围绕之前列出的主题词和角色展开。)
5. Before you write the frst word, decide whether the document is going to be POINT-early or POINT-last. (在你写下第一个字之前,决定是在引言部分,还是在文末放置论点句。)
6. If POINT-last, construct an anticipatory POINT sentence to get started. It too should have key thematic terms in it. (如果计划将论点句放在文末,则应该在引言部分设计一个铺垫性的论点句,并内含关键的主题词。)
7. As you draft, occasionally remind yourself of your thematic and topic strings. (在写作的过程中,不时地回顾事先设定好的系列主题词。)
8. If you don't know your POINT, just start writing and hope. (如果事先不知道想要表达的论点,那就直接开始写,期待着在写作的过程中论点自然生发出来。)
9. Once you have produced a frst draft, determine whether the POINT sentence in the draft is the same as the POINT sentence you wrote before you began to draft. Look particularly for new words in the POINT in your conclusion. If they are different, which does the job better? It is likely that in the act of drafting you will have discovered something more interesting, more compelling, more pointed than you thought before you began. (一旦完成了初稿,检视一下文中的论点句是否与事先写下的论点句一致,可以特别留意论点句中用到的新词。如果发现两者不一致,需要判断哪个更好?很大的概率是,在写作的过程中逐渐形成的论点句会比事先写的论点句更有趣,更有说服力。)
11. At this stage in the process, you can begin the more detailed diagnostic work that goes into effective revision. (完成了上述过程,就可以开始更加细致的诊断和修订工作了。)
看到作者给出的上述写作初稿的建议,我发现这个过程与卢曼卡片笔记法背后的逻辑高度契合(2022-08-01卢曼卡片笔记法(2)——具体写作过程介绍 - 简书 (jianshu.com)),尤其是第二条:围绕主要概念提出相关的附属概念。卢曼卡片笔记法的关键核心就在于发掘笔记之间的关联点,然后将笔记编织成一个互相支撑,彼此启发的自繁殖系统(2022-05-18系统的演化;自繁殖系统:一种最理想的人生状态? - 简书 (jianshu.com)),一个差别是卢曼笔记法强调自下而上的论点生成模式,而不是先立主题和论点,再搜罗论据。在短期内,后者或许更高效。但从长远来看,卢曼卡片笔记法这种自下而上的自繁殖系统显然具备更多的可能性和不可估量的想象空间,是个体能否实现大爆发的关键所在。