书名:The Binding
作者:Bridget Collins
内容简介:Books are dangerous things in Collins’s alternate universe, a place vaguely reminiscent of 19th-century England. It’s a world in which people visit book binders to rid themselves of painful or treacherous memories. Once their stories have been told and are bound between the pages of a book, the slate is wiped clean and their memories lose the power to hurt or haunt them.
After having suffered some sort of mental collapse and no longer able to keep up with his farm chores, Emmett Farmer is sent to the workshop of one such binder to live and work as her apprentice. Leaving behind home and family, Emmett slowly regains his health while learning the binding trade. He is forbidden to enter the locked room where books are stored, so he spends many months marbling end pages, tooling leather book covers, and gilding edges. But his curiosity is piqued by the people who come and go from the inner sanctum, and the arrival of the lordly Lucian Darnay, with whom he senses a connection, changes everything.
在柯林斯的平行宇宙中,书籍是危险的东西,这个地方隐约让人想起 19 世纪的英格兰。在这个世界里,人们访问装订器是为了摆脱痛苦或危险的记忆。一旦他们的故事被讲述并被装在书页之间,石板就会被擦干净,他们的记忆就失去了伤害或困扰他们的能力。