3. 1.1
2020年8月20日 上午6:04
发件人 Apple
* 3. 1.1 Business: Payments - In-App Purchase
Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase
We noticed that your app uses in-app purchase products to purchase or gift credits, currencies, or digital items that are not consumed within the app, which is not appropriate for the App Store.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your app to ensure that the credits, currencies, or digital items purchased with in-app purchase products are used within the app or remove the in-app purchases entirely.
Next Steps
1. 去除或者隐藏三方支付
2. 说明内购的流程和使用的流程以及使用的记录, 附上截图更好了
3. 有优惠券什么的审核时候不能出现, 或者审核账户不能出现
4. 虚拟币不可以兑换会员,会员属于“非续期订阅”内购买项目
5. 内购买项目不能在App有提现功能,需要在其他地方(如网页端)去做提现操作
6. 内购 设置项目名称,与App的虚拟币名称尽量要一致(比如: 黄钻, 钻石, X币等等)
7. 终极办法: 去除“In-App Purchase”相关所有内容,不要内购买项目了。