Google, Facebook, Amazon and other tech titans all have offices there in Hudson Yards along Hudson River, the West Side of New York. This is called agglomeration where businesses gather for each other and the same resources.
This agglomeration makes workers more productive and companies more competitive. The agglomeration pulls labor away from the rest of the country.
The tech tycoons chose New York because of highly specialized workers. Workers in New York are more educated above the national average. New York also expanded subway, invested in infrastructure, opened more space for tech companies after the old under-utilized industrial lands are transformed. Universities in New York are also a key catalyst.
But the excessive and poorly-managed agglomeration also poses challenges for both people inside and outside. There are high housing prices, rental prices, and increasing commuting time. However, in some cases, wages and employment levels are not picking up.
3.薪水和就业赶不上集聚速度的话,对于在这里工作的人来说,过度集聚就是pain in the ass了。
Agglomeration (同类/相似实体)聚集的现象
There is a catch 存在潜在问题/不利因素
Traffic-choked 交通拥挤的
Expensive 物价高的 (用来形容城市和地点)
sth isn't working for you 对你来说不是件好事
Heartland 中心地带
National average 国家平均水平
Cluster 群,聚集之物
Opened up capacity 释放了能力
Get over here 到这里来
Proximity-nearness 接近
Chart 图表
Outpace 速度超过
Bay area湾区
旧金山湾区(San Francisco Bay Area),简称湾区(The Bay Area),是美国西海岸加利福尼亚州北部的一个大都会区,主要城市包括旧金山半岛上的旧金山、东部的奥克兰和南部的圣荷西等,硅谷(Silicon Valley)位于湾区南部。
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