Exercise09-The Billiard Problem
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The billiard system can also be a chaotic system. This time I will discuss the problem of a ball moving without friction on a horizontal table. We imagine that there are walls at the edges of table that reflect the ball perfectly and that there is no frictional force between the ball and the table.
1.Between collisions
Except the collisions with the walls, the motion of the billiard is quite simple. Between every collisions the velocity is constant so we have :
These equations can be solved using our usual Euler algorithm.
- collisions
the components of $v_{i}$ parallel and perpendicular before collisions:
the velocity after reflection from the wall :
The Lorenz model
it is easier to find the regularity to plot it in a phase space:
$\sigma$=10, b=8/3, r=25, the step of time is 0.0001.
- When we plot it in phase space, The figure 1. gives some hints of an
underlying regularity.
while the time-dependent behavior is unpredictable, we can predict with certainty that the system will be found somewhere on the attractor surface in phase space.
- figure 3.21
First, we consider a quite simple model-the motion of a billiard on a square table. The billiard started at point (0.2, 0).
figure 3.22
now let's change square to circle
Circular stadium
However, if we cut the table along the x axis, and pull the two semicircular halves apart (along y), a distance $2\alpha$ r, the trajectory will be definitely not symmetric.
figure 3.23 3.24
phase-space plots for the trajectories of $\alpha=0, 0.001$, 0.01, 0.1
Stadium Billiard: \alpha=0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1
problem 3.30 :
Here, the initial separation of the billiards was 0.00001.
Ths chaotic system will present when the boundary is composed by some shapes (different or same). If the boundary is a simple regular shape, the chaotic situation cannot be observed.
The Lesson plan Chapter 3 of Cai Hao