title: beyond the scope of
date: 2018-05-06 17:56:47
total numbers: 385
beyond the scope of
- It is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss all of the statistical alternatives that have been developed to improve the efficiency of linkage analysis. (Allison, Schork, 1997)
- While many of the associated theoretical considerations are beyond the scope of our book, the basic ideas are not difficult to explain or understand; our discussion here follows that in Mu╨ler and Parmigiani (1995). (Carlin, Louis, Carlin, 2009)
- The potential benefits and problems of applying cloning and other reproductive technologies to conservation have been addressed by others (Critser and Prather, 2002; Loskutoff, 2002; Santiago and Caballero, 2000) and are beyond the scope of this chapter. (Amato et al., 2009)