单词 | 发音 |
1. penury | PEN′-yƏ-ree |
2. vicarious | vī-KAĪR′-ee-Əs |
3. ephemeral | Ə-FEM′-Ə-rƏl |
4. euphemism | Y′-fƏ-miz-Əm |
5. badinage | BAD′-Ə-nƏj |
6. bovine | BŌ′-vīn′ |
7. nostalgia | nƏ-STAL′-jƏ |
8. cacophony | kƏ-KOF′-Ə-nee |
9. carnivorous | kahr-NIV′-Ər-Əs |
10. clandestine | klan-DES′-tin |
单词 | 发音 |
1. penurious pƏ-NYR′-ee-Əs | or |
pƏ-NR′-ee-Əs | |
2. penuriousness pƏ-NYR′-ee-Əs-nƏs | or |
pƏ-NR′-ee-Əs-nƏs | |
3. parsimonious | pahr′-sƏ-MŌ′-nee-Əs |
4. parsimony | PAHR′-sƏ-mō′-nee |
5. indigence | IN′-dƏ-jƏns |
6. indigent | IN′-dƏ-jƏnt |
7. destitution | des′-tƏ-T′-shƏn |
8. destitute | DES′-tƏ-tt |
9. affluence | AF′-l-Əns |
10. affluent | AF′-l-Ənt |
11. opulence | OP′-yƏ-lƏns |
12. opulent | OP′-yƏ-lƏnt |
单词 | 发音 |
1. evanescent | ev′-Ə-NES′-Ənt |
2. evanescence | ev′-Ə-NES′-Əns |
3. evanesce | ev′-Ə-NES′ |
4. euphemistic | y-fƏ-MIS′-tik |
5. euphony | YOO′-fƏ-nee |
6. euphonic | y-FON′-ik |
7. euphonious | y-FŌ′-nee-Əs |
8. eulogy | YOO′-lƏ-jee |
9. eulogistic | y′-lƏ-JIS′-tik |
10. eulogize | Y′-lƏ-jīz′ |
单词 | 发音 |
1. euphoria | y-FAWR′-ee-Ə |
2. euphoric | y-FAWR′-ik |
3. euthanasia | y′-thƏ-NAY′-zha |
4. persiflage | PUR′-sƏ-flahzh′ |
5. cliché | klee-SHAY′ |
6. bromide | BRŌ′-mīd′ |
7. bromidic | brō-MID′-ik |
8. platitude | PLAT′-Ə-td |
9. platitudinous | plat′-Ə-TOO′-dƏ-nƏs |
10. anodyne | AN′-Ə-dīn′ |
单词 | 发音 |
1. leonine | LEE′-Ə-nīn′ |
2. canine | KAY′-nīn′ |
3. feline | FEE′-līn′ |
4. porcine | PAWR′-sīn′ |
5. vulpine | VUL′-pīn′ |
6. ursine | UR′-sīn′ |
7. lupine | L′-pīn′ |
8. equine | EE′-kwīn′ |
9. piscine | PIS′-īn′ |
10. nostalgic | nos-TAL′-jik |
单词 | 发音 |
1. cacophonous | kƏ-KOF′-Ə-nƏs |
2. phonetics | fƏ-NET′-iks |
3. phonetic | fƏ-NET′-ik |
4. phonetician | fō-nƏ-TISH′-Ən |
5. carnivore | KAHR′-nƏ-vawr′ |
6. herbivore | HUR′-bƏ-vawr′ |
7. herbivorous | hur-BIV′-Ər-Əs |
8. omnivorous | om-NIV′-Ər-Əs |
9. voracious | vaw-RAY′-shƏs |
10. voracity | vaw-RAS′-Ə-tee |
11. omnipotent | om-NIP′-Ə-tƏnt |
12. impotent | IM′-pƏ-tƏnt |
13. impotence | IM′-pƏ-tƏns |
14. omnipotence | om-NIP′-Ə-tƏns |
单词 | 发音 |
1. omniscient | om-NISH′-Ənt |
2. omniscience | om-NISH′-Əns |
3. omnipresent | om′-nƏ-PREZ′-Ənt |
4. omnipresence | om′-nƏ-PREZ′-Əns |
5. ubiquitous | y-BIK′-wƏ-tƏs |
6. ubiquity | y-BIK′-wƏ-tee |
7. ubiquitousness | y-BIK′-wƏ-tƏs-nƏs |
8. omnibus | OM′-nƏ-bƏs |
单词 | 发音 |
1. carnelian | kahr-NEEL′-yƏn |
2. carnal | KAHR′-nƏl |
3. carnality | kahr-NAL′-Ə-tee |
4. carnage | KAHR′-nƏj |
5. reincarnation | ree′-in-kahr-NAY′-shƏn |
6. reincarnate (v.) | ree′-in-KAHR′-nayt |
7. incarnate (adj.) | in-KAHR′-nƏt |
8. incarnate (v.) | in-KAHR′-nayt |
9. surreptitious | sur′-Əp-TISH′-Əs |
10. surreptitiousness | sur′-Əp-TISH′-Əs-nƏs |
词根 | 涵义 |
1. penuria | need, neediness |
2. ad- | (af-) to, toward |
3. fluo | to flow |
4. opulentus | wealthy |
5. ephemera | dayfly |
6. e-, | ex- out |
7. vanesco | to vanish |
8. -esce | begin to |
9. -ent | adjective suffix |
10. -ence | noun suffix |
11. eu- | good |
12. pheme | voice |
13. -ism | noun suffix |
14. phone | sound |
15. -ic | adjective suffix |
16. -ous | adjective suffix |
17. logos | word, speech |
18. -ize | verb suffix |
19. thanatos | death |
20. platys | broad or flat |
21. an- | negative prefix |
22. odyne | pain |
词根 | 涵义 |
1. -ine | like, similar to, characteristic of |
2. leo | lion |
3. felis | cat |
4. porcus | pig |
5. canis | dog |
6. vulpus | fox |
7. ursus | bear |
8. lupus | wolf |
9. equus | horse |
10. piscis | fish |
11. nostos | a return |
12. algos | pain |
13. -ic | adjective suffix |
14. kakos | bad, harsh, ugly |
15. phone | sound |
16. xylon | wood |
17. carnis | flesh |
18. voro | to devour |
19. herba | herb |
20. omnis | all |
21. -ous | adjective suffix |
22. potens, | potentis powerful |
23. sciens | knowing |
24. ubique | everywhere |
25. -ity | noun suffix |
26. vale | farewell |
27. -al | adjective suffix |
28. re- | again, back |
29. -ate | verb suffix |
30. in- | in |
31. clam | secretly |
32. -ent | adjective suffix |
33. -ence | noun suffix |