CoolGlide 是学习Glide的过程中,动手写的一个简单版本。主要是为了进一步了解Glide的设计原理。
我在大三的时候写了一个简单的个人云盘,我想把手机里面的照片上传到云盘上,这之前需要展示手机里面的照片,最简单的做法就是像微信朋友圈发照片那样。但是实际上,整个网格列表特别的卡。卡的原因有两个:一是主线程中取加载Bitmap导致UI不能相应操作,二是内存中大量Bitmap,GC导致Stop the World。
后来我想出了一个方案:尝试加载一千张照。 其实主要就是用自己在艺术探索中学习的知识,结合像线程池、LruCache等一定程度上把照片流畅的加载出来了。
- 把每个加载照片任务抽象为一个Class Request。主要成员成员有照片的Uri,目标View。
- Request任务有了,需要线程处理这些加载照片的耗时任务,继承Thread,写一个专门负责进行耗时操作的类RequestDispatcher。
- 从Request 到 RequestDispatcher,中间缺少一个RequestManager管理Request请求队列。
- 获取CoolGlide单例
- 创建一个Request对象,要加载的照片Uri,需要attach的ImageView,设置加载成功回调
- 提交加载任务
// 1. 获取加载框架实例 glide = RequestManager.getInstance(); @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) { ImageView iv = holder.itemView.findViewById(; // 2. 创建任务 UriRequest request = new LocalRequest(list.get(position)); // url request.mTargetView = new SoftReference<>(iv); // view request.mListener = new LoadingListener() { @Override public void onSuccess(Bitmap bitmap) { Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: success , position = " + position); } @Override public void onFail() { Log.d(TAG, "onFail: , position = " + position); } }; // 3. 提交任务 glide.offer(request); // add Request Task to Request Queue } // 启动加载引擎 glide.start();
- 设置tag,因为Recyclerview的复用,要防止老的Bitmap加载到新的ViewHolder中
- 检查LruCache中是否命中缓存,如果命中直接显示
- 设置LoadingListener代理,目的是加载成功的时候将Bitmap添加到LruCache中
- 将任务添加到阻塞队列
public void offer(UriRequest request) { // 1. set tag, 防止RecyclerView中错位 ImageView imageView = request.mTargetView.get(); if(request.mTag != null && imageView.getTag() != null && request.mTag != imageView.getTag()) imageView.setImageBitmap(null); // Recyclerview复用的时候,防止错位 request.mTag = request.mUri; if (imageView != null) imageView.setTag(request.mTag); Log.d(TAG, "offer: set tag ok " + request.mUri); // 2. if cache has it, 命中LruCache中缓存,直接显示 Bitmap bitmap; if ((bitmap = cache.get(request.mUri)) != null) { request.attach(bitmap); Log.d(TAG, "offer: hit cache " + request.mUri); } // 3. need to load it,这里代理LoadingListener,回调是将Bitmap添加到LruCache request.mListener = new LoadingListenerProxy(request.mListener) { @Override public void onSuccess(Bitmap bitmap) { cache.put(request.mUri, bitmap); super.onSuccess(bitmap); } @Override public void onFail() { super.onFail(); } }; // 4. add into request queue , which type is LinkedBlockingQueue requests.offer(request); // 添加到阻塞队列 Log.d(TAG, "offer: loading" + request.mUri); }
RequestDispatcher 消费队列中的Request
- 检查当前任务是否被中断,结束线程
- 从任务队列中消费Request
- 设置占位图
- 真正加载Bitmap
@Override public void run() { while (true){ // 1. check interrupt if(interrupted()) return; UriRequest request = null; // 2. take Request try { request = requests.take(); // 3. set placeholder request.placeholder(); // 4. load bitmap request.loadBitmap(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if(request != null) request.mListener.onFail(); } } }
Request 中提供加载照片的能力,因为不同的照片源加载(比如网络照片,本地照片)的逻辑不一样,这里为了提高扩展性。要加载特殊的照片只需要继承Request,并实现loadBitmap方法即可。
- 检查Soft引用的目标View是否被回收,如果回收了,结束加载任务
- 获取控件的width和height,计算采样率
- 将采样后的Bitmap加载到View上
public class LocalRequest extends UriRequest { // ... 省略代码 @Override public void loadBitmap() { // 1. check view View view = mTargetView.get(); if (view == null) { Log.d(TAG, "loadBitmap: view == null"); return; } //2. get w and h before decode bitmap SizeDeterminer sizeDeterminer = SizeDeterminer.Obtains(view, (width, height) -> { Log.d(TAG, "loadBitmap: width = " + width + " height = " + height); Bitmap fit = BitmapUtil.decodeBitmapFromFile(mUri, width, height); // 3. attach bitmap into view attach(fit); }); sizeDeterminer.getSize(); } }
- 获取View的宽和高。可能是准确尺寸,也可能是Match_parent wrap_parent
- 如果是准确的w he h,回调到计算采样率
- 如果不是准确的w 和 h,需要获取View的ViewTreeObserver
- 给ViewTreeObserver添加PreDraw监听器,当View布局完成的时候会调用这个回调,布局完成意为着w和h已知。
public void getSize() { // 1. get view w and h params int currentWidth = getTargetWidth(); int currentHeight = getTargetHeight(); // 2. is valid ( when w and h > 0) if (isViewStateAndSizeValid(currentWidth, currentHeight)) { callback.onSizeReady(currentWidth, currentHeight); Log.d(TAG, "getSize: valid"); return; } // 3. invalid ( w and h <= 0) ViewTreeObserver observer = mView.getViewTreeObserver(); Log.d(TAG, "getSize: invalid"); // 4. before drawing view, call SizeReady listener observer.addOnPreDrawListener(new SizeDeterminerLayoutListener(this)); }
- onPreDraw被执行的时候完成了Layout,此时可以获取有效的 w 和 h
- 移除Listener,因为Draw会被执行很多次,onPreDraw也会被执行很多次
- onPreDraw是主线程,要切换到子线程,这里用一个线程池专门decode bitmap
private static final class SizeDeterminerLayoutListener implements ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener { private final WeakReference<SizeDeterminer> sizeDeterminerRef; // 1. finished layout @Override public boolean onPreDraw() { SizeDeterminer sizeDeterminer = sizeDeterminerRef.get(); if (sizeDeterminer != null) { sizeDeterminer.checkCurrentDimens(this); } return true; } } private void checkCurrentDimens(SizeDeterminerLayoutListener self) { int currentWidth = getTargetWidth(); int currentHeight = getTargetHeight(); if (!isViewStateAndSizeValid(currentWidth, currentHeight)) { Log.d(TAG, "checkCurrentDimens: size is invalid"); return; } // 2. remove listener ViewTreeObserver observer = mView.getViewTreeObserver(); observer.removeOnPreDrawListener(self); free(); // 3. switch to thread from main thread RequestManager.getInstance().commit(() -> { callback.onSizeReady(currentWidth, currentHeight); }); } }
- 获取采样率
- 按照采样率加载Bitmap
public static Bitmap decodeBitmapFromFile(String file, int width, int height) { // 1. get sample rate final BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inJustDecodeBounds = true; BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file, options); options.inSampleSize = calculateInSampleSize(options, width, height); options.inJustDecodeBounds = false; // 2. decode bitmap return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file, options); } private static int calculateInSampleSize(BitmapFactory.Options options, int width, int height) { final int outHeight = options.outHeight; final int outWidth = options.outWidth; if (outHeight < height || outWidth < width) { return 1; } return Math.min(outHeight / height, outWidth / width); }
- 检查Bitmap是否加载成功
- 检查View是否被回收
- 切换到主线程更新UI
- 缓存Bitmap
// in class Request public void attach(Bitmap bitmap) { // 1. check bitmap object if(bitmap == null) { mListener.onFail(); Log.d(TAG, "attach: bitmap == null"); return; } // 2. check target view final ImageView imageView = mTargetView.get(); if(imageView == null || imageView.getTag() != mTag) { mListener.onFail(); Log.d(TAG, "attach: view == null"); return; } // 3. attach bitmap in main thread if(Looper.getMainLooper() == Looper.myLooper()){ imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap); }else{ -> imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap)); } // 4. cache bitmap mListener.onSuccess(bitmap); }
- 继承Request 实现LoadBitmap扩张照片源。
- 基于生产消费者模型,结构更清楚(相对于我之前写的)
- 晚上的计算采样率计算方案,这部分采用Glide的做法
- LruCache缓存策略