祝好!今日是周五,大半天过去了,才发现自己在周五真的不适合学习。从早上九点吃完bagel之后,就一直不做正事,刷微博,看《全员加速中》,然后在草地上玩bumper ball,像穿衣服一样穿起一个透明的大球,背在肩膀上。说是要踢球,其实一局结束后,没有一支队伍进球得分之后,大家都是撞来撞去,在地上滚来滚去。
这周看了Ex Machina和Humans一整季,昨日给教授回邮件写观后感的时候,刚刚收到教授的邮件说,Thanks! Do you like the movie and the tv shows?
我不知道,但是大概算不上喜欢吧。�Digital Zeitgeist的conference我打算做人工智能,距离这个学期结束仅剩一个月的时间了,我却连要写些什么都还不知道,感觉大脑的思绪如同乱麻,皱在一起,无从下手。高一的我,大概从未想到四年后的我,会写十几页或者二十几页的paper,关于人工智能。那时的我,刚刚看完了Artificial Intelligence这部电影,哀伤至极,对于人工智能不抱希望。
圣经里上帝造人的故事怎么也逃不出去。无论是几十年前阿西莫夫在The Caves of Steel里的R. Daneel,还是Artificial Intelligence里的David,无论是Ex Machina里的Ava,还是Humans里的Synthetic Humans,其中的机器人全都有人和人类相仿的面容与身体。
是的,机器人从来不应该简单的代指Artificial Intelligence,至少应该分成两类,存在于人类相仿身体的Artificial Intelligence,和没有身体的Artificial Intelligence,比如说2001太空漫游里的HAL和Person of Interest里的The Machine。
Hello. My Name is Max. I have two brothers and two sisters, but I think I may have lost them forever. I don't know if you can hear me. You existence is unproven and seems extremely unlikely. But if you are there, and if you listen to things like me, please help. I don't have to see them again. Just keep them safe. And in return, I will be available to assist you in any way I can and I will try to believe in you.
我不知道,这就是为什么我认为人工智能注定会是一场悲剧。正如Leo在Humans里曾经说及的一个词:Humanity,人性。容器本身不重要,无论是肉体还是机器,重要的是容器里的人性。Flesh and Machine里,作者提及,未来将是人类变得更加机器,而机器变得更加人类。
而没有身体的Artificial Intelligence呢?
就像Person of Interest里的The Machine,人们也会对此产生移情吗?Harold固执地要叫它The Machine,因为他坚持它不过是一台机器。可是对于The Machine来说呢,当它在电脑上打出Father一词的时候,我就已经泣不成声了。
我想,人们要如何定义人与Artificial Intelligence之间的关系呢?是�神与人,还是父与子?但其实两者又是混淆的,因为对于世间的人们来说,神同时也是他们的父亲。
所以我想,我不喜欢Ex Machina和Humans的原因,大概就是剧中的人和机器人的关系吧。而我一直很喜欢Harold和The Machine之间的互动,就像有一集Harold教The Machine下棋,他说,
Each possible move represents a different game. A different universe in which you make a better move, by the second move, there are 72,084 possible games. By the third, 9 million. By the 4th 318,000,000,000. There are more possible games of chess than there are atoms in the universe. no one can possibly predict them all even you, which means that that first move can be terrifying. It is the furthest point from the end of the game. There's a virtually infinite sea of possibilities between you and the other side, but it also means that if you make a mistake there is a nearly infinite amount of ways to fix it. So you should simply relax and play.
You asked me to teach you chess and I've done that. It's a useful mental exercise. Through the years many thinkers have been fascinated by it. But, I don't enjoy playing. Do you know why not?
Because it was a game that was born during a brutal age when life counted for little and everyone believed that some people were worth more than others. Kings and pawns. I don't think that anyone is worth more than anyone else. I don't envy you the decisions you're going to have to make. And one day I'll be gone. And you'll have no one to talk to. But, if you remember nothing else, then please remember this. Chess is just a game. Real people aren't pieces. You can't assign more value to some of them than to others. Not to me. Not to anyone. People are not a thing that you can sacrifice. The lesson is... that anyone who looks on the world as if it was a game a chess deserves to lose.