



import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;


  • Implements a thread-local storage, that is, a variable for which each thread

  • has its own value. All threads share the same {@code ThreadLocal} object,

  • but each sees a different value when accessing it, and changes made by one

  • thread do not affect the other threads. The implementation supports

  • {@code null} values.

  • @see java.lang.Thread

  • @author Bob Lee

  • jxy 为了更好的使用,1.5增加了泛型的支持,可以看出为了能够更好更简单的被使用,不放过需要优化的任何地方

  • Values中为什么不把:private Object[] table;设置为泛型?

  • 一个ThreadLocal只能保持一个Object,如果想保持多个应如何处理?
    public class ThreadLocal<T> {

    /* Thanks to Josh Bloch and Doug Lea for code reviews and impl advice. */
    // jxy 已经多次看到此类注释,代码如人生


    • Creates a new thread-local variable.
      public ThreadLocal() {}


    • Returns the value of this variable for the current thread. If an entry

    • doesn't yet exist for this variable on this thread, this method will

    • create an entry, populating the value with the result of

    • {@link #initialValue()}.

    • @return the current value of the variable for the calling thread.
      public T get() {
      // Optimized for the fast path.
      Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();

      • jxy values是需要和Thread类结合使用的,并且是一个类似map的存储类
      • 在Thread类中有: java.lang.ThreadLocal.Values localValues;
      • localValues在Thread类中只是定义为包内可见,但没有任何操作,就是为了给ThreadLocal类使用
      • Thread类的实例在运行时,每个线程都是不同的实例,这样localValues也就不会相互干扰
      • 这样两个类配合实现不同线程获取不同实例的需求。
      • 如果不和Thread类配合能否实现现有功能?
      • values为什么做成可以存储多个key-value对?
        Values values = values(currentThread);
        if (values != null) {
        Object[] table = values.table;
        int index = hash & values.mask;
        if (this.reference == table[index]) {
        return (T) table[index + 1];
        } else {
        values = initializeValues(currentThread);

      return (T) values.getAfterMiss(this);


    • Provides the initial value of this variable for the current thread.
    • The default implementation returns {@code null}.
    • @return the initial value of the variable.
    • jxy 该函数是protected类型的,很显然是建议在子类重载该函数的,所以通常该函数都会以匿名内部类的形式被重载,以指定初始值
      protected T initialValue() {
      return null;


    • Sets the value of this variable for the current thread. If set to
    • {@code null}, the value will be set to null and the underlying entry will
    • still be present.
    • @param value the new value of the variable for the caller thread.
      public void set(T value) {
      Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
      Values values = values(currentThread);
      if (values == null) {
      values = initializeValues(currentThread);
      values.put(this, value);


    • Removes the entry for this variable in the current thread. If this call
    • is followed by a {@link #get()} before a {@link #set},
    • {@code #get()} will call {@link #initialValue()} and create a new
    • entry with the resulting value.
    • @since 1.5
      public void remove() {
      Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
      Values values = values(currentThread);
      if (values != null) {


    • Creates Values instance for this thread and variable type.
      Values initializeValues(Thread current) {
      return current.localValues = new Values();


    • Gets Values instance for this thread and variable type.
      Values values(Thread current) {
      return current.localValues;

    /** Weak reference to this thread local instance. */
    // jxy 此处使用WeakReference可以使得当ThreadLocal可以被回收,而不会因为在values中保存有引用而无法回收
    private final Reference<ThreadLocal<T>> reference = new WeakReference<ThreadLocal<T>>(this);

    /** Hash counter. */
    private static AtomicInteger hashCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);


    • Internal hash. We deliberately don't bother with #hashCode().
    • Hashes must be even. This ensures that the result of
    • (hash & (table.length - 1)) points to a key and not a value.
    • We increment by Doug Lea's Magic Number(TM) (*2 since keys are in
    • every other bucket) to help prevent clustering.
    • jxy 通过定义一个static的AtomicInteger类型变量hashCounter,
    • 实现每一个ThreadLocal类实例的hash值不相同。即每次比上一次的值加1.
      private final int hash = hashCounter.getAndAdd(0x61c88647 * 2);


    • Per-thread map of ThreadLocal instances to values.
      static class Values {


      • Size must always be a power of 2. 2 的幂次方
      • jxy 为什么必须是2的幂次方?
      • 在进行hash计算的时候,是使用:int index = hash & values.mask;
      •                            mask = table.length - 1;
      •                            table = new Object[capacity * 2];
      • 只有当INITIAL_SIZE为2的幂次方时,mask才可以是类似:00001111的值,在扩充table时也是通过*2来计算capacity的
      • hash每次的值不一样,这样计算出的index(即取hash最后几位的值)就是唯一的。
        private static final int INITIAL_SIZE = 16;


      • Placeholder for deleted entries.
      • jxy 为什么要定义tombstone?
      • 因为一个线程中可以定义多个ThreadLocal,但是values中的table并不是在定义ThreadLocal时校验是否需要扩充,
      • 当定义量大于capacity时,此时index = hash & values.mask有可能得到重复的值,所以要跟踪哪些entry已经废弃
      • 在put时需要进行tombstone的判断处理。
        private static final Object TOMBSTONE = new Object();


      • Map entries. Contains alternating keys (ThreadLocal) and values.
      • The length is always a power of 2.
      • jxy table中每一个entry是有三个状态的,null没有进行过设置,tombstone,设置过但是现在废弃了,正常设置状态
        private Object[] table;

      /** Used to turn hashes into indices. */
      private int mask;

      /** Number of live entries. */
      private int size;

      /** Number of tombstones. */
      private int tombstones;

      /** Maximum number of live entries and tombstones. */
      private int maximumLoad;

      /** Points to the next cell to clean up. */
      private int clean;


      • Constructs a new, empty instance.
        Values() {
        this.size = 0;
        this.tombstones = 0;


      • Used for InheritableThreadLocals.
        Values(Values fromParent) {
        this.table = fromParent.table.clone();
        this.mask = fromParent.mask;
        this.size = fromParent.size;
        this.tombstones = fromParent.tombstones;
        this.maximumLoad = fromParent.maximumLoad;
        this.clean = fromParent.clean;


      • Inherits values from a parent thread.
        private void inheritValues(Values fromParent) {
        // Transfer values from parent to child thread.
        Object[] table = this.table;
        for (int i = table.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
        Object k = table[i];

         if (k == null || k == TOMBSTONE) {
             // Skip this entry.
         // The table can only contain null, tombstones and references.
         Reference<InheritableThreadLocal<?>> reference = (Reference<InheritableThreadLocal<?>>) k;
         // Raw type enables us to pass in an Object below.
         InheritableThreadLocal key = reference.get();
         if (key != null) {
             // Replace value with filtered value.
             // We should just let exceptions bubble out and tank
             // the thread creation
             table[i + 1] = key.childValue(fromParent.table[i + 1]);
         } else {
             // The key was reclaimed.
             table[i] = TOMBSTONE;
             table[i + 1] = null;
             fromParent.table[i] = TOMBSTONE;
             fromParent.table[i + 1] = null;



      • Creates a new, empty table with the given capacity.
        private void initializeTable(int capacity) {
        this.table = new Object[capacity * 2];
        this.mask = table.length - 1;
        this.clean = 0;
        this.maximumLoad = capacity * 2 / 3; // 2/3


      • Cleans up after garbage-collected thread locals.

      • jxy 每次在新增或删除entry后需要重新检查table状态,进行更新
        private void cleanUp() {
        if (rehash()) {
        // If we rehashed, we needn't clean up (clean up happens as
        // a side effect).

        if (size == 0) {
        // No live entries == nothing to clean.

        // Clean log(table.length) entries picking up where we left off
        // last time.
        int index = clean;
        Object[] table = this.table;
        // jxy 此处没有全部遍历所有的item,猜测是防止性能问题
        for (int counter = table.length; counter > 0; counter >>= 1, index = next(index)) {
        Object k = table[index];

         if (k == TOMBSTONE || k == null) {
             continue; // on to next entry
         // The table can only contain null, tombstones and references.
         Reference<ThreadLocal<?>> reference = (Reference<ThreadLocal<?>>) k;
         if (reference.get() == null) {
             // This thread local was reclaimed by the garbage collector.
             table[index] = TOMBSTONE;
             table[index + 1] = null;


        // Point cursor to next index.
        clean = index;


      • Rehashes the table, expanding or contracting it as necessary.

      • Gets rid of tombstones. Returns true if a rehash occurred.

      • We must rehash every time we fill a null slot; we depend on the

      • presence of null slots to end searches (otherwise, we'll infinitely

      • loop).
        private boolean rehash() {
        if (tombstones + size < maximumLoad) {
        return false;

        int capacity = table.length >> 1;

        // Default to the same capacity. This will create a table of the
        // same size and move over the live entries, analogous to a
        // garbage collection. This should only happen if you churn a
        // bunch of thread local garbage (removing and reinserting
        // the same thread locals over and over will overwrite tombstones
        // and not fill up the table).
        int newCapacity = capacity;

        if (size > (capacity >> 1)) {
        // More than 1/2 filled w/ live entries.
        // Double size.
        newCapacity = capacity * 2;

        Object[] oldTable = this.table;

        // Allocate new table.

        // We won't have any tombstones after this.
        this.tombstones = 0;

        // If we have no live entries, we can quit here.
        if (size == 0) {
        return true;

        // Move over entries.
        for (int i = oldTable.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
        Object k = oldTable[i];
        if (k == null || k == TOMBSTONE) {
        // Skip this entry.

         // The table can only contain null, tombstones and references.
         Reference<ThreadLocal<?>> reference = (Reference<ThreadLocal<?>>) k;
         ThreadLocal<?> key = reference.get();
         if (key != null) {
             // Entry is still live. Move it over.
             add(key, oldTable[i + 1]);
         } else {
             // The key was reclaimed.


        return true;


      • Adds an entry during rehashing. Compared to put(), this method
      • doesn't have to clean up, check for existing entries, account for
      • tombstones, etc.
        void add(ThreadLocal<?> key, Object value) {
        for (int index = key.hash & mask;; index = next(index)) {
        Object k = table[index];
        if (k == null) {
        table[index] = key.reference;
        table[index + 1] = value;


      • Sets entry for given ThreadLocal to given value, creating an

      • entry if necessary.
        void put(ThreadLocal<?> key, Object value) {

        // Keep track of first tombstone. That's where we want to go back
        // and add an entry if necessary.
        int firstTombstone = -1;

        // jxy 为什么需要循环,和TOMBSTONE定义说明结合
        for (int index = key.hash & mask;; index = next(index)) {
        Object k = table[index];

         if (k == key.reference) {
             // Replace existing entry.
             table[index + 1] = value;
         if (k == null) {
             if (firstTombstone == -1) {
                 // Fill in null slot.
                 table[index] = key.reference;
                 table[index + 1] = value;
             // Go back and replace first tombstone.
             table[firstTombstone] = key.reference;
             table[firstTombstone + 1] = value;
         // Remember first tombstone.
         if (firstTombstone == -1 && k == TOMBSTONE) {
             firstTombstone = index;



      • Gets value for given ThreadLocal after not finding it in the first

      • slot.
        Object getAfterMiss(ThreadLocal<?> key) {
        Object[] table = this.table;
        int index = key.hash & mask;

        // If the first slot is empty, the search is over.
        if (table[index] == null) {
        Object value = key.initialValue();

         // If the table is still the same and the slot is still empty...
         // jxy 此处为什么要增加判断?如果是多线程的话,此类的实例都应该是在一个线程中运行啊

// 增加判断是因为上面key.initalValue()的调用,在ThreadLocal中无法预知使用者如何实现initalValue,如果在其中做了诸如put之类的操作有可能导致rehash操作,此时table就会不相等,出现错误
if (this.table == table && table[index] == null) {
table[index] = key.reference;
table[index + 1] = value;

                return value;

            // The table changed during initialValue().
            put(key, value);
            return value;

        // Keep track of first tombstone. That's where we want to go back
        // and add an entry if necessary.
        int firstTombstone = -1;

        // Continue search.
        for (index = next(index);; index = next(index)) {
            Object reference = table[index];
            if (reference == key.reference) {
                return table[index + 1];

            // If no entry was found...
            if (reference == null) {
                Object value = key.initialValue();

                // If the table is still the same...
                if (this.table == table) {
                    // If we passed a tombstone and that slot still
                    // contains a tombstone...
                    if (firstTombstone > -1
                            && table[firstTombstone] == TOMBSTONE) {
                        table[firstTombstone] = key.reference;
                        table[firstTombstone + 1] = value;

                        // No need to clean up here. We aren't filling
                        // in a null slot.
                        return value;

                    // If this slot is still empty...
                    if (table[index] == null) {
                        table[index] = key.reference;
                        table[index + 1] = value;

                        return value;

                // The table changed during initialValue().
                put(key, value);
                return value;

            if (firstTombstone == -1 && reference == TOMBSTONE) {
                // Keep track of this tombstone so we can overwrite it.
                firstTombstone = index;

     * Removes entry for the given ThreadLocal.
    void remove(ThreadLocal<?> key) {

        for (int index = key.hash & mask;; index = next(index)) {
            Object reference = table[index];

            if (reference == key.reference) {
                // Success!
                table[index] = TOMBSTONE;
                table[index + 1] = null;

            if (reference == null) {
                // No entry found.

     * Gets the next index. If we're at the end of the table, we wrap back
     * around to 0.
    private int next(int index) {
        return (index + 2) & mask;


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