By Fan Feifei | China Daily | Updated: 2017-01-10 07:10
Chinese people check their WeChat 14.5 times on average and spend 48 minutes on social media per day. [Photo/IC]
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Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd launched "mini apps" on Monday, which let users interact with app-like services within its instant messaging app WeChat, without having to download and install them.
Users just need to scan the QR code or search from their WeChat accounts to open these apps, where they could book tickets or do shopping, Tencent said.
They can exit the apps easily without downloading them, these apps won't disturb users, such as by sending notifications and subscription messages, according to Tencent.
This is an important step in Tencent's commercialization of its messaging service. WeChat now has 846 million users worldwide, according to Tencent's fiscal 2016 third-quarter earnings report.
Lu Zhenwang, CEO of Shanghai-based Wanqing Consultancy, said: "The launch of mini apps can solve some of the problems caused by apps, but it won't take the place of AppStore or Android Market."
"Some 'lightweight' apps, which possess fewer functions and more simple algorithms, and apps that are not commonly used, are more suitable as WeChat's mini apps. However, the commonly used ones should still be downloaded to your phone," Lu added.
Dong Xu, an analyst with Beijing-based consultancy Analysis, said: "With the mini apps, users could find and use them whenever they need, and won't receive any advertising when they stop using them."
The aim is to ensure users spend more time on WeChat and extend Tencent's lead as an app vendor. Mobile app developers are vying for users in the fiercely competitive and lucrative market.
Chinese people check their WeChat 14.5 times on average and spend 48 minutes on social media per day, according to a report released by Chinese tech startup Kika.
Wang Qian, an employee of an IT company, has tried the "mini apps" since they were launched on Monday.
"The design of these apps is very clear, and will increase the utilization rate of the WeChat wallet. Maybe it could replace some apps, but I still prefer to download apps from my app store."
- Tencent Holdings Ltd : 腾讯控股有限公司
- Ltd : 有限责任公司(Limited)
- QR-Code :二维码 Quick Response(QR) code 快速响应矩阵码(QR)
a machine-readable code consisting of an array of black and white squares, typically used for storing URLs or other information for reading by the camera on a smartphone. - consultancy:咨询公司;顾问工作
- lightweight:轻量级
- fiercely:猛烈地;厉害地
- lucrative: 有利可图的,赚钱的;合算的
- vie : 争;竞争
- vendor:卖主;小贩;供应商;[贸易] 自动售货机
Lu Zhenwang,上海万青咨询公司CEO,说:“小程序的上线可以解决一些App的问题,但是其无法代替App Store 和 Android Market”。
“一些有少量方法和简单算法的轻应用,和一些不经常使用的应用非常适合与微信小程序。然而,经常使用的应用还是应该下载道你的手机上。”Lu 补充说。
Dong Xu,北京咨询分析公司的分析师,说:“有了小程序,用户可以在需要时找到并使用它们,并且在停止使用后不会受到任何广告。”
Wang Qian,一个IT公司的职员,从周一小程序上线就开始试用。“Apps的设计非常清晰,并且会增加微信钱包的使用率。或许其可以代替某些App,但是我依然喜欢从app store下载App。”
这两天微信小程序的上线,也是在各大科技媒体的首页上火了一番。好奇心使然,我也在上线第一天就尝试试用了几个小程序,比如有道词典、豆瓣评分、滴滴出行。使用下来,第一感受就是,确实如上China Daily的新闻中所说,小程序适合于轻应用。传统的类似图片处理、大型社交类应用还是应该下载App体验更加完善。
微信小程序的入口是二维码,并且无推送,不能分享到朋友圈,这就决定了企业要通过小程序来赚取流量是一个相对困难的做法。订阅号解决了传统的短信推送问题,让用户的体验更好。我认为小程序解决的是工具问题,它不适合做媒体应用。类似于今日头条Lite这样的小程序,本质上还是把小程序当作第二个WEB新闻界面来做,我觉得用处并不大。我一直在想,目前二维码(QR Code)作为各种功能、页面的入口似乎有些不够便利,用户需要打开手机摄像头,扫码,再进入相应内容,并且很多页面由于微信的限制,还需要用手机浏览器中打开。这并不是我理想中的交互方式,觉得未来肯定会出现更加便利的解决方案。
小程序能够分享到微信群,微信好友,这是一个信息传递的过程,信息的分享、传递都在微信中就能实现,似乎微信想要把web搬到其中。知乎上一个回答说道,这就是在 Cosplay Web 。这似乎不无道理。