Chapter 3 Optimize Your Outlook 优化你的看法
“Your outlook may reflect ways of responding to situations that, over time, have become unconscious and automatic. These habits—including the way you dress, walk, stand, and talk—show your attitude and greatly influence your career success.”
If you believe you can accomplish something, you will. If you think you can't do something, you likely won't be able to. But thinking optimistically about what will happen is only a starting point.
“Getting stuck in a “poor me” mindset won’t solve anything.”“ignore the negative aspects, resolve the problems, or move out of the situation.”
3 Options: ignore the negative aspects, resolve the problems, or move out of the situation.”
Strategies for managing stress
• When possible, deal directly with your stressors. For example, if you experience stress when you have a conflict with someone, figure out how to resolve the conflict. If your work is highly stressful, you may need to find new work.
• Connect with others for support and encouragement.
• Balance work and play. Determine how you want to spend your time. Don’t neglect your hobbies and interests.
• Balancing multiple roles and responsibilities may be stressful. Take inventory of all your roles and responsibilities. Find ways to minimize, eliminate, negotiate, or simplify some of those roles.
• Take care of yourself. Eat well. Exercise. Sleep. Indulge in comforting self-care rituals such as a hot bath or a massage.
• Learn new things to increase your work and leisure options.
• Avoid having unrealistic expectations for yourself or others. Don’t expect everything to be perfect. Allow yourself to be human. You will make mistakes; so will everyone else.
• Engage in spiritual or religious activities. Many people find it comforting to connect to some form of higher power or belief system.”
Realistic self-affirmations
• I am basically a good person.
• I try to do my best.
• I have strengths and challenges.
• I am as good and worthwhile as anyone else.
• I am not perfect, but I keep developing and learning.
• Everyone struggles sometimes. I’ve just got to keep on trying.
• Everyone makes mistakes. I can learn from my mistakes.”
Demonstrating your commitment
• Get to work a few minutes early so you are ready, and on the job, at or before your starting time.
• Arrive on time to meetings. Be prepared to discuss topics or issues.
• Take breaks when there is a natural slow-down in your work. Return from breaks promptly.
• Focus on the tasks at hand and strive to be productive.
• At the end of the day, finish the task at hand rather than just dropping it and leaving.
• Wear neat, clean, and appropriate clothing.
• Speak positively and use positive body language.
• When work is slow, look for additional work tasks to accomplish.
• Refrain from complaining about your employer.
反应型(ESFP、ESTP):As a Responder, your first sign of stress may be an inability to focus.
If you met with high work stress, redefine your priorities and make a new plan of action. Regain control by analyzing your situation and recognizing how unrealistic your worries are. You may need to enlist the help of others to accomplish these tasks.
探索型(ENFP、ENTP):Highly detailed work and heavily rule-bound environments that inhibit your flexibility and creativity may be especially stressful for you.
“At this point, you may find it helpful to focus on self-care behaviors such as relaxation, exercise, and healthy eating. You may also want to review your commitments and eliminate or delegate responsibilities.”
果断型(ESTJ、ENTJ):“You are likely to experience stress in disorganized and inefficient work environments. Incompetent coworkers and a lack of control cause stress as well.
“At this point, you may find it helpful to share your feelings with someone you trust. Identifying what is important to you and deciding to focus on only these important tasks can also help you reduce your stress.”
贡献型(ESFJ、ENFJ):You are likely to experience stress in work environments characterized by conflict, confrontation, or criticism.
“At this point, consider taking some time alone for self-care, and focus on what is important. Talking to someone who is not involved in your work situation also can be helpful.”
缜密型(ISFJ、ISTJ):“You are likely to experience stress in rapidly changing or unstructured work settings or in environments in which your roles are ambiguous.
“If this occurs, you may find it helpful to take some time alone and begin to focus on achieving small, realistic goals. You may also reduce your stress and boost your confidence by recalling previous “situations in which you demonstrated your competence or expertise.
愿景型(INFJ、INTJ):“You are likely to experience stress in noisy or distracting work environments or environments in which you have to complete routine tasks, deal with many details, or violate your principles. Working for or with poorly performing managers or coworkers is also stressful for Visionaries.”
“At this point, you may find it helpful to retreat and take quiet time alone to refocus and revitalize. Avoid dealing with details and highly structured routines, at least until you are recharged.”
分析型(ISTP、INTP):“You find it especially stressful to work with incompetent people, especially if your work is linked to or dependent on theirs.”
“At this point, you may find it helpful to disengage from the situation to regain your composure. When possible, step back from tasks and interactions. Look for new information to help you view the situation from an alternative, more positive perspective.”
关顾型(ISFP、INFP): A work situation that involves conflict and confrontation, or work that violates your core values, can be a great source of stress.
As your stress level increases, you may begin to doubt your competence and become critical and judgmental toward others. If this occurs, you may find it helpful to take time alone to refocus on your personal strengths and values. Enjoyable interactions with significant others can help you regain your connections.”