1. 昨晚,我和朋友出去玩了。
Yesterday night, I played with my friends. (×)
Last night, I hanged out with my friends. (√)
2. 外面有小雨。
It had small rain outside. (×)
It was raining a little bit outside. (√)
It was raining lightly outside. (√)
3. 我关机了。
I closed my phone. (×)
I turned my phone off. (√)
4. 我去了厕所。
I went to WC. (×)
I went to the restroom. (√)
5. 我去买了咖啡。(第一次提到咖啡)
I went to buy the coffee. (×)
I went to buy a coffee. (√)
I went to buy some coffee. (√)
6. 咖啡让我清醒。
Coffee makes me wake up. (×)
Coffee wakes me up. (√)
7. 我们平摊了饭钱。
We shared the cost. (×)
We split the bill. (√)