Interest is the best teacher of a student. According to scentific researches that a student with interest in specific field does better than a student without interest in that field. For a student with interest in that field put long–term and ardurous efforts to make this skill more polished and advanced. The reasons are as follows.
First of all, a student with interest will goad his potential capacities to the utmost. For example, I was entranced by writing, so I read books every night and keep on writing and this protracted efforts contributed by my Chinese writing skills and improved my aesthetic abilities and made me more sensitive to the language. To be honest, I was never bothered by any Chinese test, including the Chinese test in college entrance examination. According to my individual experience, the interest can prod students reach their potential.
Secondly, the emphasis of interest will not encourage young people to be lazy and irresponsible. On the contrary, it will give young people goals that they really like and willing to sacrifice their free time to reach it and ultimately make young people responsible for themselves. However, it doesn't mean they shouldn't study any subject they don't want to learn. It is a matter of priority. I admit that young people should break their comfort zone and find their new interest, and stay curious to the world can make us on the left lane.
All in all, if a man has interest, the arduous work can be fascinated and without interest, the simplest work can be dangerous.
(题目:education is about finding out what form of work for us is close to being play–work we do so easily that it restores us as we go. Do you think this a sound principle? Does interest really play a decisive part in education? Don't we often do what is necessary rather than what we find fun?Given human weakness, if we over-emphasize the importance of interest, won't it encourage young people to be lazy and irresponsible? )