Thecredibility and appeal of the myths have depended in part on our innate sensethat harmony must replace discord, that chance must give place to certainty,and that direction must substitute for indirection if human society is toexist.
Disciplineis part of order
Disciplinemust be an attribute of teachers as well as of students. Much classroomdiscipline has to do with a teacher’s acceptance of the obligation to bedisciplined in behavior—that is, to be orderly, clear, accurate, and authenticin expression and purpose so as to be able to teach well and to serve thestudents’ good.
Disciplinetakes many forms: schedules, rules of conduct, exemplary behavior, and clearexpectations, as well as an equitable system of rewards and penalties.
Orderrequires the exertion of authority.
Orderarises from a teacher’s leadership.
Orderrequires teaching to have direction and momentum.
Orderimplies tranquility in the classroom.
Orderinvolves discipline
Ordershould be accepted as good
Ordernecessitates that teachers set good examples
Orderrequires the maintenance of standards