Hands on Machine Learning目录

第1章 机器学习概览
第2章 一个完整的机器学习项目
第3章 分类
第4章 训练模型
第5章 支持向量机
第6章 决策树
第7章 集体学习和随机森林
第8章 降维
第9章 安装运行TensorFlow
第10章 人工神经网络简介
第11章 深层神经网络训练
第12章 分布式TensorFlow横穿设备和服务器
第13章 卷积神经网络
第14章 递归神经网络
第15章 自编码器
第16章 强化学习

第1章 机器学习概览
第2章 一个完整的机器学习项目 (作者暂未翻译完)

Preface 序言

Part I. The Fundamentals of Machine Learning


1. The Machine Learning Landscape

第1章 机器学习概览

  1. What Is Machine Learning? 什么是机器学习?
  2. Why Use Machine Learning? 为什么使用机器学习?
  3. Types of Machine Learning Systems 机器学习系统的类型
  • Supervised/Unsupervised Learning 监督/非监督学习
  • Batch and Online Learning 批量和在线学习
  • Instance-Based Versus Model-Based Learning 基于实例与基于模型学习
  1. Main Challenges of Machine Learning 机器学习的主要挑战
  • Insufficient Quantity of Training Data 训练数据数量不足
  • Non representative Training Data 没有代表性的训练数据
  • Poor-Quality Data 劣质数据
  • Irrelevant Features 不相关的特性
  • Over fitting the Training Data 过拟合的训练数据
  • Under fitting the Training Data 欠拟合训练数据
    Stepping Back 回顾
  1. Testing and Validating 测试和确认
  2. Exercises 练习

2. End-to-End Machine Learning Project

第2章 一个完整的机器学习项目

  1. Working with Real Data 使用真实数据
  2. Look at the Big Picture 项目概览
  • Frame the Problem 划定问题
  • Select a Performance Measure 选择性能指标
  1. Check the Assumptions 核实假设
  • Get the Data 获取数据
  • Create the Workspace 创建工作空间
  • Download the Data 下载数据
  • Take a Quick Look at the Data Structure 速览数据结构
  • Create a Test Set 创建测试集
  1. Discover and Visualize the Data to Gain Insights 发现并可视化数据帮助理解
  • Visualizing Geographical Data 可视化地理数据
  • Looking for Correlations 寻找关联
  • Experimenting with Attribute Combinations 尝试属性组合
  1. Prepare the Data for Machine Learning Algorithms 为机器学习算法准备数据
  • Data Cleaning 数据清洗
  • Handling Text and Categorical Attributes 处理文本和分类属性
  • Custom Transformers 自定义Transformers
  • Feature Scaling 特征缩放
  • Transformation Pipelines 转化管道
  1. Select and Train a Model 选择和训练模型
  • Training and Evaluating on the Training Set 在测试集训练和评估
  • Better Evaluation Using Cross-Validation 使用交叉验证做更好的评估
  1. Fine-Tune Your Model 微调模型
  • Grid Search 网格搜索
  • Randomized Search 随机搜索
  • Ensemble Methods 集成方法
  • Analyze the Best Models and Their Errors 分析最好的模型和他们的错误
  • Evaluate Your System on the Test Set 在测试集评估系统
  1. Launch, Monitor, and Maintain Your System 发布、监视和管理系统
  2. Try It Out! 试试看!
    Exercises 练习

3. Classification 分类

  1. MNIST(Mixed National Institute of Standards and Technology database)
  2. Training a Binary Classifier 训练一个二元分类器
  3. Performance Measures 性能测量
  • Measuring Accuracy Using Cross-Validation 使用交叉验证测量准确率
  • Confusion Matrix 混合矩阵
  • Precision and Recall 准确率和召回率
  • Precision/Recall Tradeoff 准确率/召回率权衡
  • The ROC Curve ROC曲线
  1. Multiclass Classification 多级分类
  2. Error Analysis 错误分析
  3. Multilabel Classification 多标签分类
  4. Multioutput Classification 多输出分类
    Exercises 练习

4. Training Models 训练模型

  1. Linear Regression 线性回归
  • The Normal Equation 标准方程
  • Computational Complexity 计算复杂度
  1. Gradient Descent 梯度下降
  • Batch Gradient Descent 批量梯度下降
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent 随机梯度下降
  • Mini-batch Gradient Descent 小批量梯度下降
  1. Polynomial Regression 多项式回归
  2. Learning Curves 学习曲线
  3. Regularized Linear Models 正规化的线性模型
  • Ridge Regression 脊回归
  • Lasso Regression 套索回归
  • Elastic Net 弹性网络
  • Early Stopping 提前停止
  1. Logistic Regression 逻辑回归
  • Estimating Probabilities 估计概率
  • Training and Cost Function 训练和成本函数
  • Decision Boundaries 决定边界
  • Softmax Regression Softmax回归
    Exercises 练习

5. Support Vector Machines (SVM)支持向量机

  1. Linear SVM Classification 线性支持向量机分类
  • Soft Margin Classification 软间隔分类
  1. Nonlinear SVM Classification 非线性支持向量机分类
  • Polynomial Kernel 多项式核
  • Adding Similarity Features 添加相似特性
  • Gaussian RBF Kernel 高斯径向基核
  • Computational Complexity 计算复杂度
  1. SVM Regression SVM回归
  2. Under the Hood 底层
  • Decision Function and Predictions 决策函数和预测
  • Training Objective 训练目标
  • Quadratic Programming 二次规划
  • The Dual Problem 对偶问题
  • Kernelized SVM 核化SVM
  • Online SVMs 在线SVM
    Exercises 练习

6. Decision Trees 决策树

Training and Visualizing a Decision Tree 167
Making Predictions 169
Estimating Class Probabilities 171
The CART Training Algorithm 171
Computational Complexity 172
Gini Impurity or Entropy? 172
Regularization Hyperparameters 173
Regression 175
Instability 177
Exercises 178

7. Ensemble Learning and Random Forests

Voting Classifiers 181
Bagging and Pasting 185
Bagging and Pasting in Scikit-Learn 186
Out-of-Bag Evaluation 187
Random Patches and Random Subspaces 188
Random Forests 189
Extra-Trees 190
Feature Importance 190
Boosting 191
AdaBoost 192
Gradient Boosting 195
Stacking 200
Exercises 202

8. Dimensionality Reduction 降维

The Curse of Dimensionality 206
Main Approaches for Dimensionality Reduction 207
Projection 207
Manifold Learning 210
PCA 211
Preserving the Variance 211
Principal Components 212
Projecting Down to d Dimensions 213
Using Scikit-Learn 214
Explained Variance Ratio 214
Choosing the Right Number of Dimensions 215
PCA for Compression 216
Incremental PCA 217
Randomized PCA 218
Kernel PCA 218
Selecting a Kernel and Tuning Hyperparameters 219
LLE 221
Other Dimensionality Reduction Techniques 223
Exercises 224
Part II. Neural Networks and Deep Learning 神经网络和深度学习

9. Up and Running with TensorFlow 安装运行TensorFlow

Installation 232
Creating Your First Graph and Running It in a Session 232
Managing Graphs 234
Lifecycle of a Node Value 235
Linear Regression with TensorFlow 235
Implementing Gradient Descent 237
Manually Computing the Gradients 237
Using autodiff 238
Using an Optimizer 239
Feeding Data to the Training Algorithm 239
Saving and Restoring Models 241
Visualizing the Graph and Training Curves Using TensorBoard 242
Name Scopes 245
Modularity 246
Sharing Variables 248
Exercises 251

10. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks 人工神经网络简介

From Biological to Artificial Neurons 254
Biological Neurons 255
Logical Computations with Neurons 256
The Perceptron 257
Multi-Layer Perceptron and Backpropagation 261
Training an MLP with TensorFlow’s High-Level API 264
Training a DNN Using Plain TensorFlow 265
Construction Phase 265
Execution Phase 269
Using the Neural Network 270
Fine-Tuning Neural Network Hyperparameters 270
Number of Hidden Layers 270
Number of Neurons per Hidden Layer 272
Activation Functions 272
Exercises 273

11. Training Deep Neural Nets 深层神经网络训练

Vanishing/Exploding Gradients Problems 275
Xavier and He Initialization 277
Nonsaturating Activation Functions 279
Batch Normalization 282
Gradient Clipping 286
Reusing Pretrained Layers 286
Reusing a TensorFlow Model 287
Reusing Models from Other Frameworks 288
Freezing the Lower Layers 289
Caching the Frozen Layers 290
Tweaking, Dropping, or Replacing the Upper Layers 290
Model Zoos 291
Unsupervised Pretraining 291
Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task 292
Faster Optimizers 293
Momentum optimization 294
Nesterov Accelerated Gradient 295
AdaGrad 296
RMSProp 298
Adam Optimization 298
Learning Rate Scheduling 300
Avoiding Overfitting Through Regularization 302
Early Stopping 303
ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization 303
Dropout 304
Max-Norm Regularization 307
Data Augmentation 309
Practical Guidelines 310
Exercises 311

12. Distributing TensorFlow Across Devices and Servers 分布式TensorFlow横穿设备和服务器

Multiple Devices on a Single Machine 314
Installation 314
Managing the GPU RAM 317
Placing Operations on Devices 318
Parallel Execution 321
Control Dependencies 323
Multiple Devices Across Multiple Servers 323
Opening a Session 325
The Master and Worker Services 325
Pinning Operations Across Tasks 326
Sharding Variables Across Multiple Parameter Servers 327
Sharing State Across Sessions Using Resource Containers 328
Asynchronous Communication Using TensorFlow Queues 329
Loading Data Directly from the Graph 335
Parallelizing Neural Networks on a TensorFlow Cluster 342
One Neural Network per Device 342
In-Graph Versus Between-Graph Replication 343
Model Parallelism 345
Data Parallelism 347
Exercises 352

13. Convolutional Neural Networks 卷积神经网络

The Architecture of the Visual Cortex 354
Convolutional Layer 355
Filters 357
Stacking Multiple Feature Maps 358
TensorFlow Implementation 360
Memory Requirements 362
Pooling Layer 363
CNN Architectures 365
LeNet-5 366
AlexNet 367
GoogLeNet 368
ResNet 372
Exercises 376

14. Recurrent Neural Networks 递归神经网络

Recurrent Neurons 380
Memory Cells 382
Input and Output Sequences 382
Basic RNNs in TensorFlow 384
Static Unrolling Through Time 385
Dynamic Unrolling Through Time 387
Handling Variable Length Input Sequences 387
Handling Variable-Length Output Sequences 388
Training RNNs 389
Training a Sequence Classifier 389
Training to Predict Time Series 392
Creative RNN 396
Deep RNNs 396
Distributing a Deep RNN Across Multiple GPUs 397
Applying Dropout 399
The Difficulty of Training over Many Time Steps 400
LSTM Cell 401
Peephole Connections 403
GRU Cell 404
Natural Language Processing 405
Word Embeddings 405
An Encoder–Decoder Network for Machine Translation 407
Exercises 410

15. Autoencoders 自编码器

Efficient Data Representations 412
Performing PCA with an Undercomplete Linear Autoencoder 413
Stacked Autoencoders 415
TensorFlow Implementation 416
Tying Weights 417
Training One Autoencoder at a Time 418
Visualizing the Reconstructions 420
Visualizing Features 421
Unsupervised Pretraining Using Stacked Autoencoders 422
Denoising Autoencoders 424
TensorFlow Implementation 425
Sparse Autoencoders 426
TensorFlow Implementation 427
Variational Autoencoders 428
Generating Digits 431
Other Autoencoders 432
Exercises 433

16. Reinforcement Learning 强化学习

Learning to Optimize Rewards 438
Policy Search 440
Introduction to OpenAI Gym 441
Neural Network Policies 444
Evaluating Actions: The Credit Assignment Problem 447
Policy Gradients 448
Markov Decision Processes 453
Temporal Difference Learning and Q-Learning 457
Exploration Policies 459
Approximate Q-Learning 460
Learning to Play Ms. Pac-Man Using Deep Q-Learning Exercises 469
Thank You! 感谢!

A. Exercise Solutions 练习解答

B. Machine Learning Project Checklist 机器学习项目清单

C. SVM Dual Problem SVM对偶问题

D. Autodiff 自动差分

E. Other Popular ANN Architectures 其他流行的ANN架构

Index 索引

  • 序言:七十年代末,一起剥皮案震惊了整个滨河市,随后出现的几起案子,更是在滨河造成了极大的恐慌,老刑警刘岩,带你破解...
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  • 序言:滨河连续发生了三起死亡事件,死亡现场离奇诡异,居然都是意外死亡,警方通过查阅死者的电脑和手机,发现死者居然都...
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  • 文/潘晓璐 我一进店门,熙熙楼的掌柜王于贵愁眉苦脸地迎上来,“玉大人,你说我怎么就摊上这事。” “怎么了?”我有些...
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  • 文/不坏的土叔 我叫张陵,是天一观的道长。 经常有香客问我,道长,这世上最难降的妖魔是什么? 我笑而不...
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  • 正文 为了忘掉前任,我火速办了婚礼,结果婚礼上,老公的妹妹穿的比我还像新娘。我一直安慰自己,他们只是感情好,可当我...
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  • 文/花漫 我一把揭开白布。 她就那样静静地躺着,像睡着了一般。 火红的嫁衣衬着肌肤如雪。 梳的纹丝不乱的头发上,一...
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  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
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  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
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  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
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  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
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  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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