1. 编辑bin目录下的user.properties文件,配置报告设置如下:
# Reporting configuration
# If you want to debug reporting, uncomment this line
# Configure this property to change the report title
jmeter.reportgenerator.report_title=Apache JMeter Dashboard
# Change this parameter if you want to change the granularity of over time graphs.
# Change this parameter if you want to change the granularity of Response time distribution
# Set to 500 ms by default
# Change this parameter if you want to keep only some samples.
# Regular Expression which Indicates which samples to keep for graphs and statistics generation.
# Empty value means no filtering
# Change this parameter if you want to override the APDEX satisfaction threshold.
# Change this parameter if you want to override the APDEX tolerance threshold.
# Indicates which graph series are filtered (regular expression)
# In the below example we filter on Search and Order samples
# Note that the end of the pattern should always include (-success|-failure)?
# TransactionsPerSecondGraphConsumer suffixes transactions with "-success" or "-failure" depending
# on the result
# Indicates whether only controller samples are displayed on graphs that support it.
# Sets the destination directory for generated html pages, it is better to change it for every generation
# This will override the value set through -o command line option
2.在 cmd里执行如下命令: