In the middle-February of 2021, an extreme snowstorm swept in Texas, leaving large swaths of the power plants offline and slowing down the fuel supply to households, which made the residents exposed to the carbon monocide poisoning. The state's electric-grid operators, despite the cautions from the experts, showed their under-preparation about the climate chaos.
The warming planet heralds the freaking extreme weathers in the 21st century are no longer consistent with what had happened before. What's more, the volatility of the climate curveballs makes it harder for the electric-grid planners to take corresponding measures. For example, last summer in California, some gas power plants were forced to go offline for the terrible electric demand triggered by the heat weave. The climate-linked disasters are far more urgent than we think. With the huge economic losses and the existential threat of some dwellers, the time for better-prepared actions is already here.
According to the experts, the local communities should harden their infrastructures and become independent by developing energy production. As for the planners, they are expected to think holistically and make energy srorage beforehand.