- timestampdiff(返回的时间格式,起始时间,结束时间)
- case when ...then...else...end
- count(case ……)
- count(distinct)
select a.购买时间,
count(distinct a.用户id) 当日首次购买用户数,
count(distinct case when timestampdiff(month,a.购买时间,b.购买时间) <=1
then a.用户id else null end ) as 此月复购用户数,
count(distinct case when timestampdiff(month,a.购买时间,b.购买时间) =3
then a.用户id else null end ) as 第三月复购用户数,
count(distinct case when timestampdiff(month,a.购买时间,b.购买时间) =4
then a.用户id else null end ) as 第四月复购用户数,
count(distinct case when timestampdiff(month,a.购买时间,b.购买时间) =5
then a.用户id else null end ) as 第五月复购用户数,
count(distinct case when timestampdiff(month,a.购买时间,b.购买时间) =20
then a.用户id else null end ) as 第二十月复购用户数
from 课程订单表 as a
left join 课程订单表 as b
on a.`用户id` = b.`用户id`
where a.课程类型=2 and a.购买时间!=b.购买时间
group by a.购买时间;
select 城市,count(distinct 用户id),sum(ARPU值)
from 各城市用户ARPU值
group by 城市
count(distinct case when ARPU值>0 and ARPU值<30 then 1 else null end )as '(0-30)'
count(distinct case when ARPU值>=30 and ARPU值<50 then 1 else null end )as '[30-50)'
count(distinct case when ARPU值>=50 and ARPU值<80 then 1 else null end )as '[50-80)'
count(distinct case when ARPU值>=80 then 1 else null end )as '[80以上)'
from 各城市用户ARPU值
group by 城市
select 用户id
from 用户套餐费用表
group by 用户id
having count(用户id)>2
select o.user_id,o.item_id,
(case when o.pay_time is not null then 1 else null end) as 已购
(case when o.pay_time is not null and f.fav_time is null then 1 else null end)as 购买未收藏
(CASE when o.pay_time is null and f.fav_time is not null then 1 else 0 end) as 收藏未购买,
(CASE when o.pay_time is not null and f.fav_time is not null then 1 else 0 end) as 收藏且购买
from orders o
left join favourites f
on o.user_id = f.user_id and o.item_id = f.item_id
(CASE when o.pay_time is not null then 1 else 0 end) as '已购买',
(CASE when o.pay_time is not null and f.fav_time is null then 1 else 0 end) as '购买未收藏',
(CASE when o.pay_time is null and f.fav_time is not null then 1 else 0 end) as '收藏未购买',
(CASE when o.pay_time is not null and f.fav_time is not null then 1 else 0 end) as '收藏且购买'
FROM orders o
RIGHT JOIN favorites f
ON o.user_id = f.user_id
AND o.item_id = f.item_id
ORDER BY user_id, item_id;