faux pas ( noun) a socially embarrassing mistake 失礼,失言
impasse ( noun) a situation where progress is impossible 绝境; 僵局
avant-garde original and modern (艺术的)先锋派
joie de vivre (noun ) great enjoyment of life 人生的极大乐趣
deja vu (noun) the feeling that you have already experienced what is happening now 似曾相识的感觉
fait accompli (noun) something that has happened and can't be changed 既成事实
carte blanche (noun) complete freedom to take whatever action you want 全权委托
entre nous (adj/adv) used to say that something should be a secret 'between ourselves'
en route (adv) on the way to or from somewhere 在途中
nuance ( noun) a very small difference in meaning, appearance, etc. 细微差别
denouement (noun) the end of a book or play where everything is explained (戏剧、小说等的)结局
nouvelle cuisine a style of cooking in which a small amount of food is served in an attractive pattern on the plate
angst (noun) worry and unhappiness about personal problems 焦虑; 担心; 恐惧,沮丧
doppelganger ( noun) a person who looks exactly like you but is not related to you 面貌相似的人
realpolitik (noun) practical politics, decided by immediate needs rather than by principle 现实政治
wanderlust (noun) the wish to travel far and to many different places漫游
ersatz (adjective) describes something used instead of something else because the original is rare or too expensive 代用
schadenfreude (noun) a feeling of pleasure you get when something bad happens to someone else 幸灾乐祸
incommunicado (adj) not communicating with anyone 不与外界交流的
maiiana (adv) some time in the future
El Nino or El Niiio (noun) an unusual current in the Pacific Ocean that temporarily changes world weather patterns 厄尔尼诺现象
macho (adjective) behaving forcefully and without emotion in a way that was thought typical of a man 大男子气概的
pronto (adjective) quickly and at once 很快地
cognoscente ( noun) a person who has a lot of specialist knowledge, particularly of the arts - plural: cognoscenti 行家
prima donna (noun) someone who thinks they are special and should be treated in a special way
diva ( noun) a famous female singer 著名女歌唱家
sotto voce (adjective) said in a very quiet voice 低声地
aficionado ( noun) very interested and enthusiastic about the subject 酷爱…者
paparazzi 狗仔队
bonsai ( noun) a very small tree that has been stopped from growing to its full size 盆景
kimono (noun) a loose piece of outer clothing with side sleeves 和服
origami (noun) making decorative objects by folding paper 折纸手工
haiku ( noun) a poem made up of 1 7 syllables only 俳句
ninja ( noun) a Japanese sword-carrying fighter 日本武士
feng shui ( noun) an ancient Chinese belief that the way your house is built and the way that you arrange objects affects success, health and happiness 风水
lychee ( noun) a fruit with a rough brown shell and sweet white flesh 荔枝
typhoon (noun) a violent wind which has a circular motion, found in the West Pacific Ocean 台风
gingseng ( noun) the root of a tropical plant used to improve health 人参
kumquat ( noun) a small, oval orange-coloured fruit 金橘
glasnost (noun) a policy of making government more open and accountable to its people 公开化
intelligentsia (noun) the highly educated people in a society who are interested in arts and politics 知识分子
politburo (noun) the main governing group in a Communist country 政治局
samovar (noun) a large metal container used to heat water for tea 俄国的一种茶壶
troika ( noun ) a group of three powerful politicians 紧密联系的三人
de rigueur describing something you must have or do to appear fashionable
nom de plume a false name used by a writer 笔名
contretemps an embarrassing small disagreement 令人尴尬的事
bete noire a person or thig that particularly annoys you or that you dislike 为人所讨厌的人或物
savoir faire being able to do or say the right thing in any situation
clientele the customers or clients of a business 顾客,客户
cause celebrea controversial event that attracts a lot of publicattention 闹得满城风雨的事件
en suite a connected bathroom and bed room 带浴室的套间
note: cambridge advanced P, units15, CD2, track43