

英文 中文
Hot in Cleveland is recorded in front of a live studio audience. 《燃情克利夫兰》是在摄影棚观众前现场录制的
I wonder what that's about. 不知道谁犯事了
I'm not here. 当没见过我
Wait... 等等
The police are looking for you? 警察要抓的是你吗
What police? 什么警察
Hey, guys, guess what.It's our birthday in two weeks. 姐妹们两周后就是我们的生日啦
You're kidding. 开玩笑吧
You all have birthdays on the same day? 你们同一天生日吗
No, no, no, but we decided that, 不是不过我们决定
seeing that birthdays are so generally unpleasant... 既然过生日是心头刺
Depressing, scary... 消沉害怕
Drunken, hazy... 酗酒烂醉
We decided that we'd just celebrate ours all together on a neutral day. 我们决定选个平常的日子一起过生日
And that way we don't have to acknowledge 这样我们就可以
the day that we actually get older. 把确实老一岁的那天抛之脑后了
It works great. I really don't know how old I am. 很管用我真的不知道自己芳龄几何了
So what do you guys want for your birthday? 你们生日想要什么
A wonderful man who worships me. 敬我如仙女的好男人

- Two of those. - Oh, that sounds nice. -我要两个-听起来不错
Why don't you all get each other dates for your birthday? 你们就互送约会对象作为生日礼物吧
Now, that is an intriguing idea. 太有才了
I mean, we're terrible at picking men for ourselves. 我们自己选男人的品味遭透了
I have five divorces to prove it. 五次离婚就是我如山的铁证
I wish I had a divorce. 我真希望能离一次
I have animals that die. 男人和宠物我都留不住
Let's do it. 就这样定了
Everyone's gonna pick a name,and then get a date for that person. 每人选一个名字为她安排约会对象
It'll be our new Cleveland birthday celebration. 克利夫兰全新庆生会
And where are we going to find these men? 到哪里找男人呢
They do seem to be all over this town. 这地方好像到处都是男人
I get disgusting comments and lewd gestures, like, ten times a day. 我每天都会听到黄段子看到下流手势不下十次
It is fantastic! 真是妙不可言
Elka, are you in? 爱尔卡要算你一个吗
Sure. 当然要
But if you're picking for me, 为我选男人的时候要注意
I don't do fatties. 姐不要胖子哦
Okay, Elka, you go first. 好了爱尔卡你先选
Victoria. 维多利亚
- Melanie. - Elka. -梅兰妮-爱尔卡
Oh, great that means Victoria got me. 这下可好我落到维多利亚手上了
So? 那又怎样
So you're terrible at picking gifts. 你在选礼物方面烂得要死
- I'm gonna get screwed. - Oh, stop it! -我算是完蛋了-别瞎说
I'm a wonderful gift giver. 我送礼物可有一手了
See, look at this beautiful pre-birthday gift I just gave myself. 看我提前送自己的生日礼物多漂亮
Cartier. My favorite. 卡迪亚的我最喜欢了
But you didn't even remember it was our birthday. 可你根本就不记得这是我们的生日
Still, it's a great gift. 但仍然不失为好礼物
I wonder when our presents will arrive. 真好奇我们的礼物什么时候会到
Yours will be here soon. 你的快到了
I wish the same could be said for mine. 真希望我的那个也是
I'm sure Victoria didn't find me anyone. 我肯定维多利亚还没帮我找到呢
Oh, don't be so negative. I got Elka a great date. 别这么消极我帮爱尔卡物色了个非常不错的
I'm a little nervous. 我有点紧张
Or maybe it's just staring at 可能是因为盯着
that rat's nest that Joy calls a hairdo. 被乔依称之为发型的鸡窝头的缘故
It's so unsettling. 让人心烦意乱的
Your nerves are making you unpleasant. 你的紧张让你更加讨嫌

Yes, but I can fix that by finishing this wine. 是的可我一杯红酒下肚就会好了
You're still stuck with that hair. 可你还得顶着那头鸡窝
That's not your joke, Elka. That's Winston Churchill's. 爱尔卡你这是剽窃邱吉尔的笑话
邱吉尔被女议员嘲笑醉酒丑态他说自己睡一觉就好了而对方却是日日丑陋 永远好不了
It's not stealing if you were there. 我当时在场所以不算剽窃
Elka, your date's here. 爱尔卡你的约会对象来了
He's handsome! 他长得好帅啊
- Where did you find him? - At a senior center. -你在哪儿找到的-老年中心
I emailed your photo over to see if anybody would be interested. 我把你的照片发邮件过去看有没有人感兴趣
He was the only one who knew how to email back. 他是唯一一个会回邮件的人
Hey, Max. 这边麦克斯
Melanie, so nice to officially meet you. 梅兰妮正式认识你很高兴
And you must be Elka. 你一定就是爱尔卡了
I am. 我是
May I say that you're even lovelier than in your picture? 请允许我说一句你真人比照片更漂亮
Yes, you may. 当然可以说
Shall we? 过去坐好吗
To be fair, 说实话
in my computer, your picture is displayed in 200%. 在我的电脑里你的照片是放大显示的
I've seen all of you, but not all at once. 眼口鼻都瞧过了就是差个全像
Excuse me. Hello. 打扰下你好
- I'm Victoria Chase. - Hi. -我是维多利亚·蔡斯-你好
How would you like to pretend to be my friend's date? 你愿意假装跟我朋友约会吗
what's the matter with her? 她有什么毛病
Nothing, really. She's quite attractive. 没有真的她长得很漂亮
She's sitting right over there with the long brown hair. 坐那边那个长长的棕色头发
I'll give you 200 bucks. 给你两百块
- Great! - Wait, wait, wait. -好极了-等等别急
But you can't be yourself. 你不能以本来面目去
I mean, I'm sure you're great, 我相信你本人也很棒
but I was supposed to find her a specific type of guy. 可我要为她找个非常合她胃口的
Well, why didn't you if you said you were going to? 那你为什么不直接找一个对路子的
Well, I ran out of time, or I didn't prioritize, or... 快没时间了我没太当回事儿
I don't know, I just-- get off my back! 不好说我...关你屁事啊
What do you do? 你是做什么的
Well, with the economy and everything-- 现在这种经济形势
Okay, I'm bored already. 好了我已经没兴趣了
You are an architect. She goes crazy for them. 你是个建筑师她可迷这行的男人了
Okay... 好吧
And you have three dogs, but not purebreds. 你养了三条狗都不是纯种的
She'd never go for that. Let's see, what else? 她不喜欢养纯种狗想想还有什么
Oh, compliment her earlobes. Don't ask me why. 夸她的耳垂漂亮别问我原因
Favorite color, celadon. 最喜欢的颜色灰绿
Don't order beets, and do not mention Helen Mirren. 别点甜菜千万别提海伦·米伦
- What's your name? - Uh, Steve. -你叫什么-斯蒂夫
No, no, I think that you are an Alistair. 不不还是叫阿利斯泰的好
- Then I think I need another 50. - Okay, Steve's good. -改名再加50美元-那就斯蒂夫吧
Well, I'll be damned. 我肯定死很惨
These are my friends Melanie and Joy. 这是我的朋友梅兰妮和乔依
- Hi. - And this is Steve. -你好-这位是斯蒂夫
He's an architect. 他是建筑师
I am. 我是
And I like dogs. 我还喜欢狗
I love dogs. 我也喜欢狗
You have dogs? 你养了狗吗
Yes, yes. Uh, mutts. 是的非纯种狗
I mean I love all dogs, 我对狗很博爱
but I just don't see the point of buying a dog 只是我不赞成从那些宣扬纯正血统的狗贩子
from an industry that promotes inbreeding and puppyvilles 手里花大价钱去买狗明明就有
when there are so many mixed breeds out there in need of a home. 很多普通犬在外流浪需要一个家
I feel exactly the same way. 我完全赞同你的说法
Well, should I try to go round us up a table? 那我们找个位置详聊如何
- Sounds great. - All right. -当然好-好的
So... 怎样
I owe you an apology. 看来我得向你道歉
You truly are a wonderful friend 你的确是位善解人意的好朋友
who seems to have found me a great guy. 为我物色了这么好的男人
I'm sorry. I really underestimated you. 对不起我真是低估你了
Oh, well, I accept your apology. 我接受你的道歉
You are free to enjoy him now. 请尽情享受你的礼物吧
I can't believe you went to that much work to find Joy's date. 真不敢相信你居然这么卖力地帮乔依找对象
But you do believe it, right? 可你是相信的对吗
Oh, Happy Birthday. 生日快乐
Do you think he's here for one of us? 你说他是来找我们的吗
Oh, he's looking over here. How do I look? 他在朝这边看我怎么样
Freakishly young. 出奇得年轻
- What about me? How's my hair?- Like god re-touched it. -我呢头发如何-如同上帝的杰作
- Good luck. - You too. -祝你好运-你也是
- Uh, Victoria? - Yes! -维多利亚吗-爽
Sorry I'm late. I had to jog the last couple of blocks 抱歉迟到了最后几条街
just to get here, but it was worth it--wow. 我是跑过来的不过跑得很值
Are all actresses as beautiful in person as you? 你真人好漂亮所有女星都这样吗
Sadly, no. 很遗憾不是
Glenn Miller or Tommy Dorsey? 喜欢格伦·米勒还是汤米·道西
Oh, Miller all the way. 当然是喜欢米勒
Yeah, that was real music. 就是啊那才是真正的音乐啊
I don't go for that stuff that's out there now. 我不喜欢时下的东西
Michael Buble. 麦克·布雷
Have you heard this yahoo? 你听过这傻小子的歌吗
Please! You mean wannabe Sinatra. 拜托他以为翻唱几首就变歌王辛纳屈啦
Exactly. Go back to the second floor at Nordstrom's, I say. 就是啊你就好好给百货商店站站台拉拉赞助吧
Okay, another question: 好了再来一个问题
Favorite medication. 最喜欢的药
Oh, that's a tough one. 这个好难哦
All things considered, I think I'm gonna have to say 不过综合考虑我得说是
Celebrex. 骨正胶囊
Celebrex. Nice. 骨正胶囊不错
I'm an allopurinol man myself. 我更喜欢血清胶囊
Ooh, gout! 治痛风的
Somebody likes to party. 看来某人喜欢喝两口啊
Ever go to Canada for your discount rates? 有去过加拿大用贴现率吗
Do I? I'm on a first-name basis with all the border guards. 去过我跟边境守卫都直呼名字的
Me too. 我也是
We should carpool next time. 下次拼车去吧
Is it possible that you are the perfect woman? 有可能你就是我的真命天女吗
Well, I'd say it's very possible. 这个嘛我看是相当有可能
Will you be eating alone? I can bring over a place setting. 请问你一个人吗我去拿套一人份的餐具过来
Oh, no, no, no, no. I--I have a date. 不不不我约了人
It's a blind date. He should be here soon. 是别人介绍的相亲对象他马上就会来了
I'm sure he will. Anything else? 我相信会的还需要什么吗
I'm really nervous. 我好紧张
I haven't been on a blind date in, like, oh, gosh, forever. 已经很久没有相亲了真的好久好久了
I just got divorced. I'm totally over it. 我刚离婚已经不伤心了
It's just, you know, sometimes it still feels a little fresh and raw. 只是有时候依然感觉无所适从
But this is just the type of adventure 可这正是我需要的冒险
I signed up for when I moved to Cleveland, isn't it? 我搬到克利夫兰不就因为这个吗
Uh, I was just wondering if you need a fork or something. 我只想知道你是否需要叉子
Melanie? 梅兰妮吗
Yes? 什么事
I think I'm gonna be sick. 我觉得我快吐了
I'm so sorry. That didn't come out right. 对不起不是这个意思


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