Lesson 17-2 A man-made disease
It effectively spread the disease all over the continent and drastically reduced the rabbit population. It later became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease, so that the rabbit population was unlikely to be completely exterminated. There were hopes, however, that the problem of the rabbit would become manageable.
Ironically, Europe, which had bequeathed the rabbit as a pest to Australia, acquired this man-made disease as a pestilence. A French physician decided to get rid of the wild rabbits on his own estate and introduced myxomatosis. It did not, however, remain within the confines of his estate. It spread through France, Where wild rabbits are not generally regarded as a pest but as sport and a useful food supply, and it spread to Britain where wild rabbits are regarded as a pest but where domesticated rabbits, equally susceptible to the disease, are the basis of a profitable fur industry. The question became one of whether Man could control the disease he had invented.
/ˈlɛsən/ 17-2 /ə/ /mən/-/meɪd/ /dɪˈziz/
/ɪt/ /ɪˈfɛktɪvli/ /sprɛd/ /ðə/ /dɪˈziz/ /ɔl/ /ˈoʊvər/ /ðə/ /ˈkɑntənənt/ /ænd/ /ˈdræstɪkli/ /rəˈdust/ /ðə/ /ˈræbət/ /ˌpɑpjəˈleɪʃən/. /ɪt/ /ˈleɪtər/ /bɪˈkeɪm/ /əˈpɛrənt/ /ðæt/ /ˈræbəts/ /wɜr/ /dɪˈvɛləpɪŋ/ /ə/ /dɪˈgri/ /ʌv/ /rɪˈzɪstəns/ /tu/ /ðɪs/ /dɪˈziz/, /soʊ/ /ðæt/ /ðə/ /ˈræbət/ /ˌpɑpjəˈleɪʃən/ /wʌz/ /ənˈlaɪkli/ /tu/ /bi/ /kəmˈplitli/ /ɪkˈstɜrməˌneɪtɪd/. /ðɛr/ /wɜr/ /hoʊps/, /ˌhaʊˈɛvər/, /ðæt/ /ðə/ /ˈprɑbləm/ /ʌv/ /ðə/ /ˈræbət/ /wʊd/ /bɪˈkʌm/ /ˈmænɪʤəbəl/.
/aɪˈrɑnɪkli/, /ˈjʊrəp/, /wɪʧ/ /hæd/ /bəˈkwiθt/ /ðə/ /ˈræbət/ /æz/ /ə/ /pɛst/ /tu/ /ɔˈstreɪljə/, /əˈkwaɪərd/ /ðɪs/ /mən/-/meɪd/ /dɪˈziz/ /æz/ /ə/ /ˈpɛstələns/. /ə/ /frɛnʧ/ /fəˈzɪʃən/ /ˌdɪˈsaɪdɪd/ /tu/ /gɛt/ /rɪd/ /ʌv/ /ðə/ /waɪld/ /ˈræbəts/ /ɑn/ /hɪz/ /oʊn/ /ɪˈsteɪt/ /ænd/ /ˌɪntrəˈdust/ myxomatosis. /ɪt/ /dɪd/ /nɑt/, /ˌhaʊˈɛvər/, /rɪˈmeɪn/ /wɪˈðɪn/ /ðə/ /ˈkɑnˌfaɪnz/ /ʌv/ /hɪz/ /ɪˈsteɪt/. /ɪt/ /sprɛd/ /θru/ /fræns/, /wɛr/ /waɪld/ /ˈræbəts/ /ɑr/ /nɑt/ /ˈʤɛnərəli/ /rəˈgɑrdəd/ /æz/ /ə/ /pɛst/ /bʌt/ /æz/ /spɔrt/ /ænd/ /ə/ /ˈjusfəl/ /fud/ /səˈplaɪ/, /ænd/ /ɪt/ /sprɛd/ /tu/ /ˈbrɪtən/ /wɛr/ /waɪld/ /ˈræbəts/ /ɑr/ /rəˈgɑrdəd/ /æz/ /ə/ /pɛst/ /bʌt/ /wɛr/ /dəˈmɛstəˌkeɪtəd/ /ˈræbəts/, /ˈikwəli/ /səˈsɛptəbəl/ /tu/ /ðə/ /dɪˈziz/, /ɑr/ /ðə/ /ˈbeɪsəs/ /ʌv/ /ə/ /ˈprɑfətəbəl/ /fɜr/ /ˈɪndəstri/. /ðə/ /ˈkwɛsʧən/ /bɪˈkeɪm/ /wʌn/ /ʌv/ /ˈwɛðər/ /mən/ /kʊd/ /kənˈtroʊl/ /ðə/ /dɪˈziz/ /hi/ /hæd/ /ɪnˈvɛntəd/.