因为疫情原因被困在家,很多人发现跟父母相处就了也很烦呀,然而我发现 the study can be an oasis of calm.
台剧《好想你》中反复出现一枚戒指,He inscribed the ring with a motto: Our meeting becomes meaningful only when you hope to meet me.
brass & craftsman
纪录片《大国工匠》中常常会出现这样的场景:一个人在专注的polish the brass 或者 The craftsman beats gold into rings, 这些在普通人眼里的 dull work,却成为他们坚持和热爱的事业,他们的精益求精为这个民族的文化传承带来 a faint gleam
这次突发疫情暴露出很多医疗防控上的不足,现在看来 The reform become imperative.
perceive & horizon
好多国家都开始 perceived the big trouble on the horizon.
2020年一开年就显得多灾多难。澳大利亚大火甚至将 the temperature of polar region都提高了几度。很多 polar bear 不得不 accustom themselves to the warm temperature; 而在别的地方, lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano