一. 基数词的读法
- 202读作:two hundred(and)two
- 234读作:two hundred(and)thirty four
- 1,234读作:one thousand,two hundred(and)thirty four
如: 3,077(U.S):three thousand,seventy-seven
试比较: - 146读作:a hundred(and)forty-six
- 2,146读作:two thousand,one hundred(and)forty-six
(3)1,000这个整数我们说a thousand,在and前我们也说a thousand,但是在一个有百位数的数目前就得说one thousand
试比较: - 1,031读作:a thousand,(and)thirty-one
- 1,150读作:one thousand,one hundred(and)fifty
试比较: - I want to live for a hundred years.
- The journey took exactly one hundred days.
(5)我们常常说eleven hundred(1,100),twelve hundred(1,200)等,而不说one thousand one hundred。从1,100到1,900之间的整数,这种说法最常见。 - 11,234读作:eleven thousand two hundred(and)thirty-four
- 155,721读作:one hundred(and)fifly-five thousand seven hundred(and)twenty-one
- 6,155,702读作:six million one hundred(and)fifty-five thousand seven hundred and two
- 26,000,008读作:twenty-six million and eight
- 326,414,718读作:three hundred(and)twenty-six million,four hundred(and)fourteen thousand,seven hundred(and)eighteen
- 4,302,000,000读作:four billion three hundred(and)two million
- 当我们听到若干thousand时,立即写下这个数,并在其后打一个逗号,并留出3位;
- 当听到若干 million,则写下数字,并在其后打一逗号,留出6位;
- 听到若干billion,方法同上,在后面留出9位,后面的million、thousand 依此法类推,让所有数字各就其位。
例如,当你听到"twenty thousand and four"写出20,"and four"意为后一组仅有个位,即:004,那么,这个数字完整地写下来就是20,004;
若听到"six million twenty thousand four hundred and twenty-three,"则第一步先写:6,020,再将最后一组423写在第一个逗号后面。完整的翠字为6,020,423。
由此可见这个三位一逗号的作用有多大。 只要我们在平时的训练中加强对三位数读写的训练,就能区分"ty"与"teen'',并能借助这个不可缺少的"逗号",无论数字多么大,也不会对我们造成障碍。
二. 序数词的读法
- lst读作:(the)first
- 2nd读作:(the)second
- 3nd读作:(the)third
- 4th读作: (the)fourth
- 20th读作:(the)twentieth
- 21st读作:(the)twenty-first
- 22nd读作: (the)twenty-second
- 23rd读作:(the)twenty-third
- 其它以此类推。
三. 小数的读法 小数点"."读"point",小数点前按基数词的读法来读,小数点后的数若是两位以上,则分别读出。
- 0.5读作:zero point five
- 0.25读作:zerop point two five
- 0.125读作:zero point one two five
- 93,64m读作:ninety-three point six four meters
- 2'15.11''读作:two minutes fifteen point one one seconds
四. 年代及日期的读法 数字表示的年份通常分成两半来读:
- 2000B.C.读作:two thousand BC
- 1558读作:fifteen fifty-eight
- 1603读作:sixteen(hundred and)three/sixteen oh three
- 921读作:nine twenty-one
对于日期的表达,英式和美式有所不同,请注意区别:英式先写日子,美式先写月份: - 英:1999年4月6日=6th April l999
- 美:1999年4月6日=April 6,1999
April the sixth,nineteen ninety-nine/the sixth of April,nineteen ninety-nine
April sixth,nineteen ninety-nine(省略"the")
五. 钟点的读法 钟点的读法分英式和美式两种,我们应对此加以注意。
- 7:00读作:seven o'clock a.m./p.m.
- 8:15读作:a quarter past eight/eight fifteen
- 9:30读作:half past nine/nine thirty
- 9:45读作:a quarter to ten/nine forty-five
- 10:03读作:three(minutes)past ten/ten oh three
美用法基本相似,只是英国用past之处,美国通常用after;英国用to之处,美国常用of,例如: - 5:15读作:a quarter after five/five fifteen
- 9:45读作:a quarter of ten/nine forty-five
- 9:55读作:five of ten/nine fifty-five