They must have liked his company, for he gave every indication of physiological prosperity.
He was not so welcome at home, for he neglected his wife and children; and from Xanthippe's point of view he was a good-for-nothing idler who brought to his family more notoriety than bread.
Xanthippe liked to talk almost as much as Socrates did; and they seem to have had some dialogues which Plato failed to record.
Yet she, too, loved him, and could not contentedly see him die even after three-score years and ten.
Why did his pupils reverence him so?
Perhaps because he was a man as well as a philosopher: he had at great risk saved the life of Alcibiades in battle; and he could drink like a gentleman—without fear and without excess.
But no doubt they liked best in him the modesty of his wisdom: he did not claim to have wisdom, but only to seek it lovingly; he was wisdom's amateur, not its professional.
It was said that the oracle at Delphi, with unusual good sense, had pronounced him the wisest of the Greeks; and he had interpreted this as an approval of the agnosticism which was the starting-point of his philosophy—"One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing."
Philosophy begins when one learns to doubt—particularly to doubt one's cherished beliefs, one's dogmas and one's axioms.
Who knows how these cherished beliefs became certainties with us, and whether some secret wish did not furtively beget them, clothing desire in the dress of thought?
[ 00’59” ] Xanthippe (苏格拉底的妻子,现在成为悍妇的别称。)
[ 01’22” ] good-for-nothing idler (一无是处的懒汉)
[ 01’34” ] idle (闲置的;懒惰的)
[ 02’31” ] bring family/home bread (挣钱,补贴家用)
[ 03’18” ] I have to bring some bread home.
[ 04’58” ] score (二十)
[ 05’33” ] reverence (崇敬)
[ 06’07” ] drink like a gentleman (酒品好)
[ 06’34” ] drink with fear
[ 06’37” ] drink with excess
[ 07’41” ] love
[ 07’43” ] fear
[ 07’44” ] wisdom
[ 07’45” ] sophy (萨非:以前波斯王的称号)
[ 07’54” ] amateur (爱好者,出于热爱)
[ 08’00” ] professional (专业的;职业的)
[ 10’02” ] Delphi (德尔菲神庙,位于希腊的福基斯,主要由阿波罗太阳神庙、雅典女神庙、剧场、体育训练场和运动场组成。古希腊人认为,德尔菲是地球的中心,是“地球的肚脐”。)
[ 10’05” ] oracle (预言,神谕)
[ 10’19” ] good sense (言之凿凿,明确的)
[ 11’03” ] agnosticism (不可知论,疑神论)
[ 11’33” ] starting-point (起点)
[ 13’36” ] Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (黑格尔,德国唯心论哲学代表人物。)
备注:音频 5:33 处 reverence【 /ˈrɛv(ə)r(ə)ns/】夏老师读音错误;
音频 14:13 处 furtively 【 /ˈfəːtɪvli/】夏老师读音错误