God's Love for You
Something is wrong with the human race. We all sense it. Things aren’t the way they should be. Not in the world. Not in our neighbors. Not in ourselves.
We aren’t as kind, as generous, or as loving as we should be. We do things we shouldn’t. We are selfish, arrogant, and sometimes even cruel. We use other people for our own ends. We fall short even of our own low standards. The Bible has a word for this: sin.
We Can’t Escape
Sin is a constant of the human condition. It’s all around us. It’s inside us, too. We are all sinners. Sometimes our sins are large, like adultery or murder. Sometimes they are as small as a harsh word or a cutting glance. But they’re always there.
We sense that things shouldn’t be this way, that there must have been a time when things were right in the world. And there was such a time.
When God first made man, he made him perfect, able to live and love as he should, free from sin and sin’s worst consequence, which is death. But our first parents turned away from God, and the human race hasn’t been right since.
Sin is a violation of the way things should be, a violation of a fundamental law. That law was designed by God to make us happy. Think of how it would be if everyone in the world lived up to that law.
Unfortunately, we all turn away from God’s law. In doing so, we turn away from him. If we don’t come back to God, we will be separated from him forever. But we are caught in a cycle of sin. Try as we might, we can’t break free. Not on our own.
The Love of God
God has not abandoned us, because God is love. He loves the world he made, and he loves us, broken though we are.
God loves us so much that he sent his only Son to become one of us and to save the human race.
His Son was born in the village of Bethlehem 2,000 years ago. He grew up to become the most important person in history: Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, the Christ...