Network Embedding


  • M-NMF
  • LANE
  • LINE

什么是Network Embedding?



  • [Information Network]
    An information network is defined as G = (V,E), where V is the set
    of vertices, each representing a data object and E is the
    set of edges between the vertices, each representing a relationship between two data objects. Each edge e\in E is an ordered pair e = (u,v) and is associated with a weight w_{uv} > 0, which indicates the strength of the relation. If G is undirected, we have (u,v) ≡ (v,u) and w_{uv} \equiv w_{vu}; if G is directed, we have (u,v) \neq (v,u) and w uv \neq w vu

  • [First-order Proximity] The first-order proximity in a network is the local pairwise proximity between two vertices. For each pair of vertices linked by an edge (u,v), the weight on that edge,w_{uv}, indicates the first-order proximity between u and v. If no edge is observed between u and v, their first-order proximity is 0. The first-order proximity usually implies the similarity of two nodes in a real-world network.

    LINE with First-order Proximity:The first-order proximity refers to the local pairwise proximity between the vertices in the network. For each undirected edge (i,j), the joint probability between vertex v_{i} and v_{j} as follows:
    p_{1}(v_{i},v_{j})=\frac{1}{1+\exp(-\vec{u}_{i}^{T} \cdot \vec{u}_{j})}
    where u_{i} \in R^{d} is the low-dimensional vector representation of vertex v_{i} . \hat{p}_{1}(i,j) = \frac{w_{ij}}{W},where W = \sum_{(i,j) \in E}^{ }w_{ij} .
    And its empirical probability can be defined as\hat{p}_{1}(i,j)=\frac{w_{ij}}{W},where W=\sum_{(i,j)\in E}^{ }w_{ij}.

    To preserve the first-order proximity we can minimize the following objective function:
    where d(\cdot,\cdot) is the distance between two distributions. We choose to minimize the KL-divergence of two probability distributions. Replacing d(\cdot,\cdot) with KL-divergence and omitting some constants, we have:
    O_{1}=-\sum_{(i,j)\in E}^{ }w_{ij}\log p_{1}(v_{i},v_{j})

  • [Second-order Proximity] The second-order proximity between a pair of vertices (u,v) in a network is the similarity between their neighborhood network structures. Mathematically, let p_{u} = (w_{u,1} ,...,w_{u,|V|}) denote the first-order proximity of u with all the other vertices,then the second-order proximity between u and v is determined by the similarity between p u and p v . If no vertex is linked from/to both u and v, the second-order proximity between u and v is 0.

    The second-order proximity assumes that vertices sharing many connections to other vertices are similar to each other. In this case, each vertex is also treated as a specific “context” and vertices with similar distributions over the “contexts” are assumed to be similar.
    Therefore, each vertex plays two roles: the vertex itself and a specific “context” of other vertices.We introduce two vectors \vec{u}_{i} and \vec{u}_{i}^{'} , where \vec{u}_{i} is the representation of v_{i} when it is treated as a vertex while \vec{u}_{i}^{'} is the representation of v_{i} when it is treated as a specific “context”. For each directed edge (i,j),we first define the probability of “context” v_{j} generated by vertex v_{i} as:

    p_{2}(v_{j},v_{i})=\frac{\exp(\vec{u}_{i}^{'T} \cdot \vec{u}_{i}) }{\sum_{k=1}^{|V|}\exp(\vec{u}_{k}^{'T} \cdot \vec{u}_{i})}
    where |V| is the number of vertices or “contexts”.\hat{p}_{2}(v_{i},v_{j}) = \frac{w_{ij}}{d},where d = \sum_{k \in Neibour(i)}^{ }w_{ik}.

    The second-order proximity assumes that vertices with similar distributions over the contexts are similar to each other. To preserve the second-order proximity, we should make the conditional distribution of the contexts p_{2}(\cdot|v_{i}) specified by the low-dimensional representation be close to the empirical distribution \hat{p}_{2}(\cdot |v_{i}).Therefore, we minimize the following objective function:

    O_{2}=\sum_{i \in V}^{ }\lambda_{i}d(\hat{p}_{2}(\cdot | v_{i}),p_{2}(\cdot | v_{i}))

    where d(\cdot,\cdot) is the distance between two distributions.
    \lambda_{i} in the objective function is to represent the prestige of vertex i in the network,which can be measured by the degree or estimated through algorithms.

    The empirical distribution \hat{p}_{2}(\cdot |v_{i}) is defined as
    \hat{p}_{2}(v_{j} |v_{i})=\frac{w_{ij}}{d_{i}},where w_{ij} is the weight of the edge (i,j) and d_{i} is the out-degree of vertex i. Here we adopt KL-divergence as the distance function:

    O_{2}=-\sum_{(i,j)\in E}^{ }w_{ij}\log p_{2}(v_{j}|v_{i})

    minimize this objective O_{2}, we are able to represent every vertex v{i} with a d-dimensional vector \vec{u}_{i}

  • [Large-scale Information Network Embedding] Given a large network G = (V,E), the problem of Large-scale Information Network Embedding aims to represent each vertex v \in V into a low-dimensional space R^{d},learning a function f_{G}:V \rightarrow R^{d} , where |V| \gg d. In the space R^{d} , both the first-order proximity and the second-order proximity between the vertices are preserved.

    We adopt the asynchronous stochastic gradient algorithm (ASGD) for optimizing O_{2},In each step, the ASGD algorithm samples a mini-batch of edges and then updates the model parameters. If an edge (i,j) is sampled, the gradient the embedding vector \vec{u}_{i} of vertex i will be calculated as:

    \frac{\partial O_{2}}{\partial \vec{u}_{i}}=w_{ij}\frac{\partial \log p_{2}(v_{j}|v_{i})}{\partial \vec{u}_{i}}

    Optimizing objectives are computationally expensive,which requires the summation over the entire set of vertices when calculating the conditional probability p_{2}(\cdot |v_{i}). To address this problem, we adopt the approach of\textbf{ negative sampling }proposed.

    arg \min_{U,U'} O_{2} = \sum_{(i,j)\in E}^{ }w_{ij}[\log \sigma(\vec{u}_{j}^{'T}\cdot \vec{u}_{i}) + \sum_{i=1}^{K}E_{v_{n}}\sim P_{n}(v)[\log \sigma(-\vec{u}_{k}^{'T}\cdot \vec{u}_{i})]]

\frac{\partial O_{2}}{\partial \vec{u}_{i}} = -w_{ij}[\vec{u}_{j}^{'}(1-\sigma(\vec{u}_{j}^{'T}\cdot \vec{u}_{i})) -\sum_{k=1}^{K}\vec{u}_{k}^{'}(\vec{u}_{k}^{'T}\cdot \vec{u}_{i})]

\frac{\partial O_{2}}{\partial \vec{u}_{j}^{'}} = -w_{ij}\vec{u}_{i}[1-\sigma(\vec{u}_{j}^{'T}\cdot \vec{u}_{i})]

\frac{\partial O_{2}}{\partial \vec{u}_{k}^{'}} = w_{ij}\vec{u}_{i}\sigma(\vec{u}_{k}^{'T}\cdot \vec{u}_{i})

Update parameter \vec{u}_{i},\vec{u}_{j}^{'},\vec{u}_{k}^{'}:

\vec{u}_{i} = \vec{u}_{i} - \rho \frac{\partial O_{2}}{\partial \vec{u}_{i}}

\vec{u}_{j}^{'} = \vec{u}_{j}^{'} \rho \frac{\partial O_{2}}{\partial \vec{u}_{j}^{'}}

\vec{u}_{k}^{'} = \vec{u}_{k}^{'} - \rho \frac{\partial O_{2}}{\partial \vec{u}_{k}^{'}}

The above is the result of optimizing O_{2}, and the obtained U is the result of the second-order similarity. The optimization of O_{1} is similar to optimization of O_{2}, only one variable U needs to be updated. Just change \vec{u}_{j}^{'} to


The objective function is not convex, and we separate the
optimization to four subproblems and iteratively optimize them, which guarantees each subproblem converges to the local minima.

objective function:
\min_{M,U,H,C}=||S-MU||_{F}^{2}+\alpha||H-UC^{T}||_{F}^{2}-\beta tr(H^{T}BH)

s.t.,M\geq 0,U\geq0,H\geq,C\geq,tr(H^{T}H)=n

M-subproblem: With other parameters in objective function fixed leads to a standard NMF formulation,the updating rule for M is:

M \leftarrow M \odot \frac{SU}{MU^{T}U}

U-subproblem: Updating U with other parameters in objective function
fixed leads to a joint NMF problem,the updating rule is:

U \leftarrow U \odot \frac{S^{T}M+\alpha HC}{U(M^{T}M+\alpha C^{T}C)}

C-subproblem: Updating C with other parameters in objective function
fixed also leads to a standard NMF formulation,the updating rule of C is:

C \leftarrow C \odot \frac{H^{T}U}{CU^{T}U}

H-subproblem: This is the fixed point equation that the solution must satisfy at convergence. Given an initial value of H, the successive updating rule of H is:

H \leftarrow H \odot \sqrt{ \frac{-w\beta B_{1}H+\sqrt{ \bigtriangleup}}{8\lambda HH^{T}H}}

where \bigtriangleup = 2\beta(B_{1}H) \odot 2\beta(B_{1}H) + 16\lambda(HH^{T}H)\odot(2\beta AH+2\alpha UC^{T}+(4\lambda - 2\alpha)H)


see as another article of my blog
[论文阅读——LANE-Label Informed Attributed Network Embedding原理即实现]

LINE-O2 Spark实现

import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics._
import breeze.stats.distributions.Rand
import scala.math._

object LINE {

    def RandList(Range:Int,num:Int) : List[Int] = {
        var resultList:List[Int]=Nil
        while (resultList.length < num){
            val randomNum = (new util.Random).nextInt(Range)
            if(!resultList.exists(s => s==randomNum )){
        return resultList

    def RandNumber(Range:Int) : Int = {
        val randomNum = (new util.Random).nextInt(Range)
        return randomNum

    def Sigmoid(In:Double): Double = {
        var Out:Double = 1.0/(math.exp(-1.0*In)+1)
        return Out

    def main(args: Array[String]) {
        if (args.length < 4) {
            System.err.println("Usage: LINE <Adjacent Matrix> <Adjacent Edge> <Negative Sample> <dimension>")

        val NS = args(2).toInt
        println("Negative Sample: "+NS)

        val Dim = args(3).toInt
        println("Embedding dimension: "+Dim)

        val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("LINE")
        val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

        val InputFile = sc.textFile(args(0),3)
        val EgdeFile = sc.textFile(args(1),3)

        val InputFileCount = InputFile.count().toInt
        println("InputFileCount(number of lines): "+InputFileCount)

        val sample_rate : Double = 0.1

        val HashTableSize: Int = 50000
        println("HashTableSize: "+HashTableSize)

        //LINE O_2 的二阶相似度变量 
        var U_vertex = DenseMatrix.rand(InputFileCount, Dim, Rand.uniform)
        var U_context = DenseMatrix.rand(InputFileCount, Dim, Rand.uniform)

        val Adjacent = => line.split(",")).map(splitline => => word.toDouble))
        val EgdeSet = => line.split(",")).map(splitline => => word.toDouble))

        //当数据量变大,collect操作将会有崩溃 待优化点1
        val AdjacentCollect = Adjacent.collect()

        val rows = AdjacentCollect.length
        val cols = AdjacentCollect(0).length

        val flattenAdjacent = AdjacentCollect.flatten

        //邻接矩阵转为 breeze 矩阵
        val AdjacentMatrix = new DenseMatrix(cols,rows,flattenAdjacent).t
        // Adjacent.foreach{
        //  rdd => println(rdd.toList)
        // }

        val VertexDegree = => line.reduce((x,y) => x+y))

        var SumOfDegree = VertexDegree.reduce((x,y)=>x+y)

        //var SumOfDegree = sc.accumulator(0)
        //VertexDegree.foreach(x => SumOfDegree += x)  

        val SmoothProbability = => degree/SumOfDegree).map(math.pow(_,0.75))

        val p : Array[Double] = SmoothProbability.collect()
        val CumulativeProbability : Array[Double] = new Array[Double](InputFileCount)
        for(i <- 0 to InputFileCount-1) {
            var inner_sum : Double = 0.0
            for(j <- 0 to i){
                inner_sum = inner_sum + p(j)
            CumulativeProbability(i) = inner_sum

        val HashProbability : Array[Int] = new Array[Int](InputFileCount)
        var max_cpro = CumulativeProbability(InputFileCount-1)
        for(i <- 0  to InputFileCount-1)
            HashProbability(i) = ((CumulativeProbability(i)/max_cpro)*HashTableSize).toInt
        val HashTable : Array[Int] = new Array[Int](HashTableSize+1)

        for(i <- 0 to InputFileCount-1) {
            if (i==0) {
                var start : Int = 0
                var end : Int = HashProbability(1)
                for(j <- start to end) {
                    HashTable(j) = i
            else {
                var start : Int = HashProbability(i-1)
                var end : Int = HashProbability(i)
                for(j <- start to end) {
                    HashTable(j) = i


        val sample_num = (sample_rate*InputFileCount).toInt
        println("sample_num "+sample_num)
        var O2_Array: Array[Double] = new Array[Double](100)
        for(iterator <- 0 to 99)
            //println("the iterator is "+iterator)
            var learningrate = 0.1
            var O_2 = 0.0
            //false表示无放回采样 选取预先选定的采样数量
            var sampling = EgdeSet.takeSample(false,sample_num)
            for(i <- 0 to sample_num-1)
                var objective = 0.0
                //println("i is " + i)
                var row:Int = sampling(i)(0).toInt
                var col:Int = sampling(i)(1).toInt
                var u_j_context = U_context(col,::).t
                var u_j_context_t = U_context(col,::)
                var u_i_vertex = U_vertex(row,::).t
                var part1=(-1)*sampling(i)(2)*u_j_context*(1-Sigmoid((u_j_context_t*u_i_vertex).toDouble))
                //println("part1: "+part1)

                var negativeSampleSum = DenseVector.zeros[Double](Dim)
                var RandomSet : List[Int] = RandList(50000,NS)
                //println("RandomSet is:"+RandomSet)
                for(j <- 0 to RandomSet.length-1){
                    var u_k_context = U_context(HashTable(RandomSet(j)),::).t
                    var u_k_context_t = U_context(HashTable(RandomSet(j)),::)
                    negativeSampleSum = negativeSampleSum + u_k_context*Sigmoid((u_k_context_t*u_i_vertex).toDouble)
                //println("negativeSampleSum: "+negativeSampleSum)
                var part2 = sampling(i)(2)*negativeSampleSum
                //println("part2: "+part2)
                var d_O2_ui = part1-part2
                //println("d_O2_ui: "+d_O2_ui)

                var tmp1 = u_i_vertex - learningrate*(d_O2_ui)
                //println(tmp1(0)+" "+tmp1(1))

                // println("previous U_context(row,::): "+U_context(row,::))
                for(k1 <- 0 to Dim-1){
                    U_vertex(row,k1) = tmp1(k1)
                //println("after U_context(row,::): "+U_context(row,::))

                var d_O2_uj_context = (-1)*sampling(i)(2)*u_i_vertex*(1-Sigmoid((u_j_context_t*u_i_vertex).toDouble))

                var tmp2 = u_j_context - learningrate*(d_O2_uj_context)
                for(k2 <- 0 to Dim-1){
                    U_context(row,k2) = tmp2(k2)

                var negative_cal = 0.0
                for(j <- 0 to RandomSet.length-1){
                    var u_k_context = U_context(HashTable(RandomSet(j)),::).t
                    var u_k_context_t = U_context(HashTable(RandomSet(j)),::)

                    var sigmoid_uk_ui = Sigmoid((u_k_context_t*u_i_vertex).toDouble)
                    negative_cal = negative_cal + math.log(sigmoid_uk_ui)

                    var d_O2_uk_context = sampling(i)(2)*u_i_vertex*sigmoid_uk_ui

                    var tmp3 = u_k_context - learningrate*d_O2_uk_context
                    for(k3 <- 0 to Dim-1){
                        U_context(HashTable(RandomSet(j)),k3) = tmp2(k3)

                objective = (-1)*sampling(i)(2)*(math.log(Sigmoid((u_j_context_t*u_i_vertex).toDouble)) + negative_cal)
                O_2 = O_2 + objective

            O2_Array(iterator) = O_2
        val U2_HDFS = sc.parallelize(U_vertex.toArray,3)
        val O2_HDFS = sc.parallelize(O2_Array,3)

        //a(::, 2)  
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