Break your key results into small goals
Create mini goals within your key results. Knowing what you have to do to achieve your key results makes your objectives more specific. They help you focus on aligning your action plan with your key results for the objectives. Mini goals also help you set up milestones throughout your progress. They keep you right on track in terms of knowing what you have to do in order to achieve your key results. Mini goals can be action items you need to do. For example, your objective is to increase your sales revenues by 10% for this quarter and one of your key results is to get 5 new clients. Think about how you plan on attracting new clients – writing a blog post a week as inbound marketing can be one of your mini goals.
OKRs consist of 1) Objectives and 2) Key Results.
Objective: Statement of a broad goal that is generally not measurable
Key Result: Statement of a measurable goal that defines achievement of an objective
To write an OKR, you begin with an objective. I've got some good news and some bad news...
Good news: it’s easy to come up with objectives.
Bad news: It’s hard to define key results.
In a typical meeting, the outcome might be, “We all agree that we need to increase demand in our solution.” This statement can easily be written as an objective, “Increase demand in our solution,” but how will we know if we’ve achieved this objective?
To write a good key result, it's useful to start by looking at some examples that follow best practices.
Example 1: Business Operations
This set of OKRs includes 1 objective (O) and 3 key results (KRs):
O: Create a metrics-driven culture where everyone can connect and quantify their contributions at work
KR: 20 team leaders define 3 objectives, each with a key result associated with a company-level goal in a shared Google Doc by end of December.
KR: CEO-approved OKRs for 20 teams by Jan 15.
KR: Progress documented on all KRs including explanations in cases where no progress was made by end of Q1 2015.
Example 2: People Operations
This set of OKRs includes 2 Os. The first objective has 2 KRs and the other objective has 3 KRs:
O1: Performance Management: Complete a review process for every individual that is not only efficient, but also enables everyone to do a better job
KR: 40 reviews completed and delivered by end of June.
KR: Get at least 1 positive documented response from 10 employees to the open question “Describe a specific example where the performance management (review/OKRs) enabled you to do a better job by end of July
O2: Employee Satisfaction: Measure and Improve Employee Satisfaction
KR: Improve 1-question employee satisfaction score by 5% compared to June 2014 baseline by end of Q3
KR: Improve 1-question Employee Net Promoter Score by 5% as compared to June 2014 baseline by end of Q3
KR: Improve “How likely you are to be working here” survey score by 5% as compared to June 2014 baseline by end of Q3
Example 3: Engineering Team
While the Engineering team had several objectives, I’m including the most interesting objective and its 3 KRs here as an example.
O: Sales Support: Measure and improve engineering’s support of sales
KR: Document all engineering engagements with $100k+ prospects
KR: Obtain a baseline on the technical pass rate metric by end of Q2
KR: 60% of account managers in 1 region trained and certified on product X selling technique by end of Q2
Hope this helps! If you'd like some free coaching to get started writing your OKRs, please request a free OKRs drafting session at my site:
#people confuse Initiatives with Key Results