Super Class
@interface CATransition : CAAnimation
- 转场类型,默认类型为'fade'
- 类型类型有:
转场类型字符串 | 效果说明 | 关键字 | 方向 |
fade | 交叉淡化过滤 | YES | |
psh | 新视图把旧视图推出去 | YES | |
moveIn | 新视图移到旧视图上面 | YES | |
reveal | 将旧视图移开,显示下面的新视图 | YES | |
cube | 立方体翻滚效果 | ||
oglFilp | 上下左右翻转效果 | ||
suckEffect | 收缩效果 | NO | |
rippleEffect | 水滤效果 | NO | |
pageCurl | 向上翻页效果 | ||
pageUnCurl | 向下翻页效果 | ||
cameraIrisHollowOpen | 相机镜头打开效果 | NO | |
cameraIrisHollowClose | 相机镜头关闭效果 | NO |
/* The name of the transition. Current legal transition types include
* `fade', `moveIn', `push' and `reveal'. Defaults to `fade'. */
@property(copy) NSString *type;
/* An optional subtype for the transition. E.g. used to specify the
* transition direction for motion-based transitions, in which case
* the legal values are `fromLeft', `fromRight', `fromTop' and
* `fromBottom'. */
@property(nullable, copy) NSString *subtype;
- 转场动画开始位置,默认为0
- 转场动画结束位置,默认为1
- 值的范围为[0,1],0点即控件左下角
/* The amount of progress through to the transition at which to begin
* and end execution. Legal values are numbers in the range [0,1].
* `endProgress' must be greater than or equal to `startProgress'.
* Default values are 0 and 1 respectively. */
@property float startProgress;
@property float endProgress;
/* An optional filter object implementing the transition. When set the
* `type' and `subtype' properties are ignored. The filter must
* implement `inputImage', `inputTargetImage' and `inputTime' input
* keys, and the `outputImage' output key. Optionally it may support
* the `inputExtent' key, which will be set to a rectangle describing
* the region in which the transition should run. Defaults to nil. */
@property(nullable, strong) id filter;