Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None))
after connection broken
by 'ConnectTimeoutError(<pip._vendor.requests.packages.urllib3.connection.
VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x10b058850>,
'Connection to pypi.python.org timed out. (connect timeout=15)')':
推荐使用douban提供的pipy国内镜像服务,如果想手动指定源,可以在pip后面跟-i 来指定源,比如用豆瓣的源来安装web.py框架:
pip install web.py -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple
(--trusted-host pypi.douban.com)
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 16.0px 'Andale Mono'; color: #afad24; background-color: #000000}span.s1 {font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures}
The repository located at pypi.douban.com is not a trusted or secure host and is being ignored. If this repository is available via HTTPS it is recommended to use HTTPS instead, otherwise you may silence this warning and allow it anyways with '--trusted-host pypi.douban.com'.