关于赤子爱胜蚯的自我修复 | about self-mending of Eisenia foetida
前言 preface
简介 brief introduction
Eisenia fetida, is a species of annelid worm belonging to the family Lumbricidae. It measures between 35 and 130 millimeters in length, but typically less than 70 millimeters, and has a width of 3-5 millimeters. This species is highly adaptable and has a high reproductive rate, making it the most commonly farmed earthworm species worldwide.
For this experiment, a total of 20 samples were collected, with a duration ranging from three days (first four samples) to two days (last sixteen samples). All samples were Eisenia fetida, kept in a 5-centimeter diameter glass beaker filled with soil and covered with paper to ensure proper air circulation and prevent samples from escaping.
过程 experiment in progress
Dead: loss of activity and obvious signs of death on the body
Agonal: Immobility after removal, movement after stimulation, incomplete healing of incision
Normal: Slow movement after removal, response to stimulation, incomplete healing of incision
Healthy: Rapid movement after removal, attempts to escape, intense reactions after stimulation, and almost healing of the incision
假设&结论 hypothesis & conclusion
实验数据显示存活的样品 : 死亡的样品的比值为3 : 1
1) The probability of survival for a regular Eisenia foetida that has been cut in half is 75%.
Experimental data shows a ratio of 3:1 of surviving samples to deceased samples.
2) The head of a self-mending Eisenia foetida generally has higher activity levels compared to its tail post-successful repair.
Among all specimens, only those with active heads meet the "healthy" standard. Out of the 6 healthy specimens, 60% had active heads.
3) The tail of an Eisenia foetida generally has stronger self-mending abilities compared to its head.
Out of 20 specimens, 16 had at least one surviving specimen. Among these 16 specimens, 6 were cases where only the tail had survived (37.5%), while only the seventh specimen had a lone surviving head.
4) Eisenia foetida with clearly visible clitellum (sexual sign) have relatively weaker self-mending abilities. In other words, mature earthworms are more difficult to regenerate.
Samples 1, 8, 9, 14, 19, and 20 were the only six specimens with clitellum in this experiment. Samples 14, 19, and 20 all died on the first day, while sample 9 had its head die on the first day, followed by the tail on the second day. Only sample 8 had a single dying tail specimen left by the second day, while sample 1 had one relatively healthy tail specimen left by the third day.
5) Eisenia foetida's body length does not appear to have a direct correlation with its self-mending abilities.
Longer earthworms do not necessarily survive more frequently, such as samples 6 and 8, while shorter earthworms do not necessarily have lower self-mending abilities, such as samples 11 and 18.
Despite this, these hypotheses (especially 5) may be influenced by some underlying factors, such as soil quality, humidity, and even the presence of parasites. Therefore, more sample sizes and a more stable environment are needed to confirm these hypotheses.
猜测 further extension
This section contains records of unexpected phenomena encountered during the experiment.
1) Under extreme circumstances, do earthworms self-amputate to ensure survival?
The original length of Sample 6's tail was 3.5cm, but after the first day, its length had reduced to 1.5cm. A remaining section of the body was found in the beaker, completely covered with white insect eggs and mites.
Sample 19's tail had an original length of 2.5cm. After one day, its length had reduced to 2cm, and a remaining section of the body in the beaker was also covered with insect eggs and mites. However, this body section was still slightly undulating and wriggling.
2) Do colors of earthworms fade after they die over time?
Both the head and tail of Sample 14 had died, and the tail appeared particularly pale in comparison. Similarly, the tail of Sample 20, which had died, was noticeably whitish in color.
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