CET6-2016.6-B Translation
旗袍(qipao)是一种雅致的中国服装,源于中国的满族(Manchu Nationality)。在清代,旗袍是王室女性穿着的宽松长袍。上世纪20年代,受西方服饰影响,旗袍发生了一些变化。袖口(cuffs)变窄,袍身变短。这些变化使女性美得以充分展现。
Qipao is a 雅致的 Chinese clothes, originating from Chinese Manchu Nationality. In Qing Dynasty, qipao was a sort of loose gown dressed by royal females. 1920s witnessed qipao's change for the influence of western cultures. The cuffs were 窄 and the length were shorten, which made the beauty of females able to show.
Currently, qipao appears on international costume shows frequently. When Chinese
Qipao, an exquisite Chinese costume, originates from Manchu Nationality of China. In the Qing Dynasty, qipao was a loose robe for the royal women. In the 1920s, influenced by Western clothing, qipao went through some changes.