文/阎成席>男子肇事逃逸,不料被撞的是亲妈! The man beat it (逃逸) but only to find his Mom the victim!(原创双语时文翻译)春节前夕,安徽寿县一老太被人撞伤,肇事者当场逃逸。On the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year, an old lady was hurt by a car in Shouxian County, Anhui Province, but the offender fled from the accident spot.
2月7日,记者从寿县公安局交管大队获悉,这名肇事逃逸者近日已被抓获,让人唏嘘不已的是,嫌疑人竟是伤者的儿子,其表示当时不知道撞的是母亲,因害怕选择逃逸。On February 2, the reporter learned from Shouxian County Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Corps that the runaway of the accident was captured a few days ago. People were greatly shocked and grieved over the hit-and-run case as the offender was the son of the victim. The offender said he didn’t know it was his mother because he was so frightened that he just drove away at a flash of wit.肇事逃逸本就是一种极其恶劣的行为,却不料肇事撞了自己的亲妈,这可真是大水冲了龙王庙,自家人不认自家人。The hit-and-run is actually an appalling behavior but as luck would have it; he hit and hurt his own mother. It turns out that “the flood dashes against the Temple of the Dragon King. -- Conflicts arise between people on their own side.”俗话说偷鸡不成蚀把米,本想逃逸溜之大吉,不巧却撞伤自己的老母,这也是聪明反被聪明误,不老实做人的结果呀。The old saying goes, “He who goes for wool but comes back shorn.” The runaway of the accident expected it could turn out as he wished, but how could he expect the victim was his own mother, so it is another case of “Outsmarting Oneself” as well as the outcome of dishonesty.做人还是要本分地道,摊上事儿了,不能推卸责任,要勇于承担责任,这才是好样的。希望我们都能做个有当但,有责任心的好公民。Every one of us should do our own part and decently conduct ourselves. Once a man gets into trouble, he should not pass the buck but has to boldly face the music. If so, he is really somebody. It is hoped that every one of us should be a responsible and reputable citizen who is duty-bound to do his part in whatever circumstances. 这里分享一则寓言小故事:Now here is a fable story: 一只青蛙看着自己的老鼠邻居很不顺眼,总想找个机会去教训教训它。A frog thinks his neighbor, a mouse, is a real eyesore and always tries to find a chance to give him a good lesson. 有一天,青蛙找到老鼠,劝它到水里去玩。老鼠不敢,青蛙便说有办法保证它的安全,可以用一根绳子把自己和它连在一起。于是老鼠终于同意试一试。One day, the frog came over to the mouse, persuading him to play with him in the river. But the mouse was afraid of water. Then the frog said he had a good idea to ensure his safety: he can rope himself to the mouse. At this, the mouse agreed to have a try.下了水之后,青蛙便大显神威,它时而游得飞快,时而潜入水中,把老鼠折腾得死去活来。老鼠最后被灌了一肚子水,泡胀了飘浮在水面上。The frog could work his magic in the water, now swimming like crazy and now diving into the deep water, so the mouse got pretty miserable, half dead and half alive with his stomach filled with water. Finally he was listlessly floating on the surface of the water.空中飞过的鹞子正在寻找食物,很快便发现了漂浮的老鼠,于是就一把抓了起来,相连的绳子自然把青蛙也带了起来。在吃掉了老鼠之后,意犹未尽的鹞子把嘴又伸向了青蛙。在被鹞子吃掉之前,青蛙很后悔地说:“没想到把自己也给害了!”A sparrow hawk was flying high in the air in search of food when he discovered the floating mouse, so he grasped it out with delight naturally with the frog tightly tied to the mouse. After having wolfed down the mouse, the sparrow hawk was still insatiable, so he stretched his mouth toward the frog. At this very moment, the frog said ruefully, “Oh, my! I just made a rod for my own back(作茧自缚)!” 下面我们看看有关“害人害己”相关的一些习惯和表达吧。“害人不成反害己”【释义】自己做了蠢事坏事,自己倒霉:One has the bad luck for having done a stupid thing.同义词:自食其果;自讨苦吃;作茧自缚; a.自食其果: reap what one has sowne.g. He made a wrong decision; now he's suffering from it (he reaps what he has sown). 做了一个错误的决定;现在正自食其果。b.自讨苦吃: ask for trouble or make a rod for one's own back e.g. You shouldn't have been so rude to her. You are asking for trouble(you are making a rod for your own back).你不该对她那么粗鲁。你这是自讨苦吃。c. 作茧自缚:be caught in one's own trape.g: Don't drag me into it. You got yourself bogged down in this (you are caught in your own trap). 不要拖我下水。你作茧自缚。 下面还有“害人害己”的一些例子,不妨一起学习学习吧!1. 害人先害己,千万不要存心去害人. He who digs a pit for others, falls in himself.2. 想坑别人的人,跌进自己掘得陷阱里。He who digs a pit for others falls in himself.3. They kept doing others harm but ended by ruining themselves.他们一直害人,结果以害己而告终。4. Your decision to leave the house is a double-edged sword. 你决定离家出走,这一招儿既害人又害己。Hopefully, today’s program can stand you in good stead! 希望这些对你有帮助!