文法学校(grammar school)诞生于古希腊时代。在英国的文法学校始创于12-13世纪,以古典课程为主。随着时代的发展,文法学校也在不断增加不同的教学内容去适应现今社会,但文法学校仍然侧重人文学科。文法学校代表着英国公立学校的最高水平,相当于国内的公立重点中学,其教学质量、学生素质及学校在社会上的影响力等指标,足以媲美很多顶尖的私立学校。与私立学校相比,就读文法学校的学生不用交昂贵的学杂费。英国的小学生们在11岁(小学六年级)参加“小升初”考试,即11-plus 选拔考试,排名前20%的学生就可以选择就读公立文法学校,未能参加考试或落选者将按其所在学区就近入读综合中学(普通中学)和更次一等的现代中学。英国首相特雷莎·梅计划放开实施了20年之久的文法学校禁令,允许设立新的此类学校。这一计划会受到保守党基层成员的欢呼。而对特雷莎·梅来说,重新引入文法学校是她推行所谓“社会融合”计划的一个关键部分。该消息一经传出,立即引起社会各界广泛的关注和争议。而纵观各党派和教育界人士的言论,有关文法学校的争议,其焦点集中在:教育资源是否应该向每一个人开放、文法学校是否会加大不平等性和社会阶层分化。
The Divisive Issue of British Grammar Schools
Theresa May has prompted anger after reviving her flagship policy to expand grammar schools by handing them £50 million to increase student places.
Lifting the ban on creating new grammar schools was a key strategy for the Conservative Party—but these proposals were dropped in the wake of May's election humiliation.
Under fresh plans by the Education Secretary, however, tens of millions of pounds are to be pumped into creating more places at selective state schools.
School leaders, unions and the Labour Party have lined up to slam the decision to resurrect "the grammar school corpse", claiming the model stoked inequality.
Ministers, meanwhile, insist the move would give parents more choice and "make sure every family can access a good school".
The official Tory line is "By creating new schools where they are needed most and helping all great schools grow, we can give parents greater choice in looking at schools that are right for their family—and give children of all backgrounds access to a world-class education."
Critics of selective education argue that these schools do not help improve social mobility.
Labour's Shadow Education Secretary, said: "Once again, the Government is pursuing its own vanity projects rather than following the evidence on what is best for pupils. They promised 'schools that work for everyone' but this policy just doesn't live up to the label."
1. divisive /dɪˈvʌɪsɪv/: adj. if something is divisive, then it causes disagreement. It might separate people into different groups. One group agrees and supports; the other group disagrees and opposes an idea.
· the highly divisive issue of gun control in America
· For many years, the issue of animal rights has been a highly divisive topic.
· Brexit, of course, is a highly divisive issue in the UK.
2. prompt anger: if you prompt anger, you cause anger.
3. flagship policy: a flagship policy would be a very important, key policy in a political party's intentions or plans.
flagship store: a flagship store is your most important store
· The company plans to open a flagship store in New York this month.
4. lift a ban on sth.: if you lift a ban on something, you allow it (something that was not allowed before; something that was banned before).
· The school has lifted the ban on using mobile phones in the classroom.
5. in the wake of sth.: if something happens in the wake of something, it happens after that thing, and often because of it.
· Airport security was increased in the wake of yesterday's terrorist attack.
· In the wake of the scandal, several senior managers were fired.
6. under fresh plans: there are new plans.
7. pump into: if you pump money into something, you put a lot of money into a project or an idea.
· He pumped all his savings into his new business.
8. slam the decision: if you slam a decision, you criticize a decision heavily and angrily.
9. resurrect /rɛzəˈrɛkt/: vt. if you resurrect something, you bring it back to life.
10. social mobility: the ability to move from one level of society to another, or a person's ability to move to a different social class
11. vanity project: a project that you do out of vanity, to look good
12. live up to the label: if something lives up to the label, it is as good as its description; it does what its description claims to do.
注:Mat 老师为大家准备了几份英国“小升初”的考试试题(附参考答案),欢迎大家来做测试并在心得区分享自己的想法~
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