.NET Framework's Reflection API allows you to fetch Type (Assembly) information at runtime or programmatically. We can also implement late binding using .NET Reflection. At runtime, Reflection uses the PE file to read the metadata about an assembly. Reflection enables you to use code that was not available at compile time.
The Type class and its members are used to get information about a type declaration and its members such as constructors, methods, fields, properties, and events of a class, as well as the module and the assembly in which the class is deployed.以下是三种方式可以用来获取type的info
System.Type.GetType(),调用Type的static方法来获取对象的信息,This method gets the type with the specified name, performing a case-sensitive search.
typeof (),直接作用于object来获取对象的properties.
reflection的另外一个有用的工具:late binding,该方法允许我们可以在run-time时期去绑定一些数据和invoke对应的方法
未完,总结一些late binding 和 early binding之间的优缺点