day 12 2024/01/01 new year resolution
生活上,amy 决定尽量早睡早起,尽量做到11点睡觉!坚持写自省育儿日记,和内心的自我更好的沟通,保持情绪稳定,愉悦心境!
Michael 说今年开始做更好的时间管理, 每天列出重要的三件事,坚持11点之前睡觉,破例要打申请。并说明理由!
Michael说从今年开始有效持续健身,开始body build up计划
Day 12, 2024/01/01 - New Year Resolutions
New Year, New Outlook!
In this new year, Amy hopes to maintain a healthy diet, continue exercising, gradually shed off the winter weight, as the evidence in the photo reveals she's developed a bit of a "barrel waist." She aims to lose 5 kilograms by the time spring blossoms!
In daily life, Amy has decided to try her best to sleep and wake up early, aiming for an 11 PM bedtime! She's committed to writing reflective parenting diaries to better communicate with her inner self, maintaining emotional stability and a joyful mindset.
In interpersonal interactions, Amy intends to listen more and speak less, acknowledging her proficiency in communication but prioritizing lending an ear to others. She aims to focus more on personal growth, family members' development, and nurturing a harmonious family atmosphere, rather than excessive attention on others or social media.
In summary, the goal is to redirect excessive energy from others and social media towards personal tranquility and growth!
Nathan says this year he'll focus on being attentive when studying and completely engaged when having fun!
He also decided to start sleeping independently and can now close his bedroom door!
Additionally, Nathan commits to avoiding snacks three hours before bedtime and learning to eat healthily.
Michael says he aims for better time management this year by listing three important tasks daily, ensuring sleep before 11 PM, with exceptions needing permission and proper reasons!
Michael plans to initiate a consistent workout routine and start a body-building program.
He's determined to play the piano every day, even if just for ten minutes, aiming to enhance finger dexterity.
Michael strives for increased efficiency, focusing more on studies and reducing gaming. Moreover, he's decided to start learning coding this year.
All these aspirations are hopes for us to achieve! May we all evolve into better versions of ourselves, walking in our passions in 2024.
the resolutions and commitments made by Amy, Nathan, and Michael for the new year 2024!