1. Start and stop meeting on time.
2. Agenda created in advance of meeting; if there is no agenda, then cancel the meeting.
3. Minutes must be recorded so everyone can recall results afterwards; the first agenda item is finding a note taker.
4. One speaker at a time; no interruptions when another is speaking.
5. Send material in advance, since people read much faster than speakers talk.
6. Action items at end of meeting, so people know what they should do as a result of the meeting.
7. Set the date and time of the next meeting.
1. 按时开始,按时结束
2. 提前建立议事日程,如果没有议事日程,取消会议
3. 为了每个人可以回想起会议的内容,要对每一分钟进行记录。日程的第一项就是找一个会议的记录者。
4. 只有一个发言人,当别人说话的时候不能打断。
5. 提前发放资料,因为人可以读的更快,同听别人说相比。
6. 会议结束时要制定行动计划,作为会议的一个结果,人们这道他们应该做什么。
7. 设置下一次会议的期和时间。