昨天学习的是How to write and publish a scientific paper (2016) 这本书中介绍的撰写论文标题的内容,今天再来看看另一本书怎么讨论这个问题的。
Chapter 5 How to Compose the Title (Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers: A Primer for the Non-English Speaker, 2021)
正如作者(Gábor Lövei)在引言中所介绍的,他也是上一本书(How to write and publish a scientific paper (2016) )的忠实读者,所以很多看法与上一本书存在相同的观点。
The main requirements of a good title can be formulated briefly and sharply: be precise, simple, and short. The best title is one that gives the most accurate information about the content of the paper with the fewest possible words.
In case of doubt, it often helps to ask the question “would anyone find this word if searching in an index?” If possible, unusual words and other non-general terminology should also be avoided.
My suggestion is to spend a little time at an early stage in the writing process, and jot down a few key words that you feel should be in the title. This will be your provisional title. After this stage, the title can be put aside, and you can start working on other parts of the manuscript. At about one third of the way into the writing process, return to the title. Now you will have a clearer idea of how long the paper will be, what the focus will be, and which aspects will be emphasised. Keeping these points, and your intended audience, in mind, try to formulate a more complete working title. Finally, near the completion of the manuscript, when virtually all the writing is done, consider the title again, and decide on the final title.