一转眼,暑假过去一半了。昨天晚上和妞妞去看了《蜘蛛侠》,回来两个人趴在被窝里,她玩她的狼人杀,我玩我的微信。然后各自昏昏睡去。一周两天的休息,每一次都万分期待,然后过的安静淡然。上午匆匆在回办公室处理了遗留的事情就赶紧回了家。猛灌了一杯咖啡之后死死的睡了过去。头疼一整个上午,然后趴在床上看了一下午动画片。Hunter x Hunter可能是我最后一部完整的和我家逗比一起看的动画片。youtube里推荐了小刚为了赎罪和报仇变身十年后的自己打败了猫女的那一集。单纯的人有单纯的人的执着,爱就是爱,恨就是恨。我猛然觉得自己有些地方和小刚很像。一旦进入了自己的思维困区就很难自拔出来。撞了南墙撞到死。我想起了那些年一日看动画片的日子。你嘲笑我看过了就忘记的丑脑子,我总是爱追着你问为什么。我们都长大了。那些年考研的日子虽然苦逼,但很幸福。
Now we live in the different zone. Three hours' time difference is like a gap between us which i can never cover. I used to ask myself why i do not like CA and u do not like NYC. We are following our own thinking and making the love deeper and more quite.
Try to use more time to learn and make myself more stronger. This kind of learning is not only outside but also inside. Sometimes i felt i am getting boring day by day and can not have flash of my idea like before. I want to be a funny one to give happiness to the people around me and be a positive girl for myself. Be patient and friendly.