I’m sorry, it’s just we’re really running late.真对不起,只是我们真的快迟到了。
Yeah, I’ll let you go.那就不打扰了。
Don’t move.别走开。
Can I ask you a favor?能帮我个忙吗?
Can I talk to you for a minute?能跟你谈谈吗?
I’m sorry to disappoint you.抱歉让你失望了。
You need to come outside.你得出来一下。
Not the strongest case.不是最好的案子。
But she’s signing a client.不过她签到了一个客户。
And if his parents live in highland park, payment won’t be an issue.如果他父母住在高地花园,律师费将不是问题。
When the connections are personal, it can get tricky.如果涉及个人关系,那就会变得很复杂。
Blurring the line between friendship and business usually is.友情和工作的界限常常会比较模糊。
Actually, I don’t have a relationship with his parents anymore, which is why I would prefer someone else be the attorney of record.事实上我和他父母已经没有关系了,所以我更希望由别人作为出庭律师。
I don’t understand.我不明白
If you are no longer friends, why do this at all?如果你们不再是朋友了,那为何要做这些呢?
So you sign your first client, but you want a second associate to be the face of the case.所以你签下了自己的第一个客户,却希望只作为次席律师来参与这个案子。
Give herself a bridge. I get that.给她自己个台阶。我明白了。
You want to explain to me why the attorney I hired for my son just got turned away?你要不要解释一下为什么我给我儿子雇的律师被打发走了?
Didn’t Lauren tell you? I was there and… Lauren没告诉你吗?我当时在
Excuse me for saying so, Mrs. Florrick, but I think you’re in over your head.很抱歉这么说,但我认为你有点自不量力。
So, thank you for your time, but we’ll take in from here.谢谢你的努力,但接下来将由我们接管。
I'm done. Can I be excused?吃饱了。我可以走了吗?
You come within 100 feet of my son again, 如果你们再出现在我儿子的一百尺范围内
And I swear, I’ll sue you, 我发誓我会控告你
The Chathams, and your entire firm. Chatham家和你们整个律所
Spencer’s got nothing to do with this and how dare you intimidate him into giving false information. Spencer与这事毫无关系你们怎么敢恐吓他作假证供
There was never any permission given to enter,那里没有许可任何人进入
There was never any pot也没有一点大麻
And he is never going to testify!而他也绝对不会作证
I can’t believe he could lie like this.我真不敢相信他说谎居然如此镇定
People do it all the time.见怪不怪了
Can we please move on?能不能进入下一个问题了(法官不耐烦了)
Were you wet?你当时是湿的吗
What do you mean?什么意思
The police report made no mention of your being wet at the time of your arrest.警方的报告没有提到你被捕的时候身上是湿的
But were you?不过你衣服是湿的吗
Objection. What does the weather have to do with this?反对这跟天气状况有什么关系
Your Honor, I’d like to introduce the bylaws of the Highland Park neighborhood association into evidence.法官大人我想将高地公园居委会的管理细则纳入辩方证据
Specifically, page 4, paragraph 2, regarding the watering of lawns.特别是第4页第2段关于草坪浇水的细则
Which is only allowed at night in an effort to save water.规定只允许在晚间浇水以求节约用水
For the record, the Rankins were in full obeyance with said bylaws.记录显示Rankin家完全恪守上述细则
Their automatic sprinkler system is set to go off every night at 11:15 and run for 15 minutes.他们的自动浇水系统设定为每晚11点15分自动开启并且浇水15分钟
If you had been where you said you were, you would have gotten soaked.如果你就站在你说的地方那你肯定被淋湿了
The truth is, you weren’t standing behind the bush.事实是你没有站在灌木丛的后面
You were standing over the guard.你站在保安上方
That you pursue a charge with this magnitude without a thorough investigation is unconsciounable.你进行一个如此重要的控诉 竟然没有彻底调查清楚这是非常不合理的
No direct or circumstantial evidence linking the defendant to the murder.没有直接或间接的证据能将被告于这场谋杀联系起来
No eyewitness testimony other than that of a co-defendant who has a vested interest in the outcome of the trial.也没有目击证人 只有一个想从审判结果中获益的共同被告
I strongly suggest you find a way to work with the defense counsel to find a more equitable solution.我强烈建议你想办法跟辩方律师合作寻求一个更公正的解决方案
Look, you are all but guaranteed of a manslaughter conviction against Brian.你差点就能让Brian被定为过失杀人罪了
If you can’t spin that into a win with the brass, you’re in the wrong line of work.如果你还不见好就收那你的工作就要受到指责了
Keep up the good work.再接再厉啊