体系架构(Enterprise Architecture, EA)的开山之作,之前一直引用,从来没有系统的学习,通过翻译加深理解,与感兴趣的朋友一起学习探讨。最后的最后,文章最后对研究的价值做了最后的总结和展望。
In summary, by studying fields of endeavorexternal to the information systems community, specifically those professionsinvolved in producing complex engineering products (e.g., architecture/construction,manufacturing etc.), it is possible to hypothesize by analogy a set ofarchitectural representations for information systems.
. 清晰了架构框架中每一种架构为什么要开发,如果不开发会对应产生什么风险;
. 提供一个信息系统架构的框架,明确了各种工具方法的关系和联系;
. 为继续完善信息系统架构的表示方法和工具奠定基础,也为认识“应用程序开发过程”的本质提供一种新思路。
The resultant “framework for informationsystems architecture” could prove quite valuable for
. Improving professional communications within the information systemscommunity
. Understanding the reasons for and risks of not developing any onearchitectural representation.
. Placing a wide variety of tools and/or methodologies in relation toone another.
. Developing improved approaches (including methodologies and tools)to produce each of the architectural representations, as well as possiblyrethinking the nature of the classic “application development process” as weknow it today.