「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第11篇
1. I don’t have the _ to _
我没有这个__ 去 __
I don’t have the time to read a book.(我没有这个时间去读书)
I don’t have the strength to lift the heavy box.(我没有这个力气去搬动这个重箱子)
I don’t have the confidence to speak in front of a crowd.(我没有这个自信在人群前发言)
I don’t have the heart to tell her the truth.(我没有这个勇气去告诉她真相)
I don’t have the courage to ask her out(我没有这个勇气去约她约会)
I don’t have the courage to face my fears.(我没有这个勇气去面对我的恐惧)
2. __ is just around the corner
__ 马上就要到了
The graduation ceremony is just around the corner, I can hardly believe it’s finally here(毕业典礼马上就要到了,我简直不敢相信它终于要来了)
My vacation trip is just around the corner, I’m packing my bags already(我的假期旅行马上就要到了,我已经开始打包行李了)
The new season of my favorite TV show is just around the corner, I’m counting the days(我最喜欢的电视剧的新一季马上就要到了,我在数着日子呢)
The big game is just around the corner, we need to be ready(大赛马上就要到了,我们需要做好准备)
The new year is just around the corner, let’s make some resolutions(新年马上就要到了,我们制定些新年计划吧)
The long-awaited concert is just around the corner, I can’t wait to see my favorite band(期待已久的音乐会马上就要到了,我等不及要去看我最喜欢的乐队了)
3. __ is/are not my strong suit
__ 并不是我的强项
Public speaking is not my strong suit, so I get nervous before every presentation(公开发言并不是我的强项,所以每次做报告前我都会很紧张)
Organizing events is not my strong suit, I prefer to attend them(组织活动并不是我的强项,我更喜欢参加活动)
Negotiating is not my strong suit, but I'm learning to improve(谈判并不是我的强项,但我正在学习提高)
Drawing is not my strong suit, but I appreciate good artwork(画画并不是我的强项,但我很欣赏优秀的艺术作品)
Writing poetry is not my strong suit, I'm more of a prose person(写诗并不是我的强项,我更擅长写散文)
Coding is not my strong suit, but I understand the basics(编程并不是我的强项,但我懂一些基础知识)
4. __ is just the tip of the iceberg
__ 只是冰山一角
That mistake is just the tip of the iceberg(这个错误只是冰山一角)
The issues we're facing are just the tip of the iceberg; the real challenges lie ahead.(我们面临的问题只是冰山一角,真正的挑战还在前方)
The scientific discovery is just the tip of the iceberg; there's still much to be explored.(这个科学发现只是冰山一角,还有更多待探索的内容)
What you've seen in the report is just the tip of the iceberg; the full impact is yet to be felt.(你在报告中看到的只是冰山一角,其全面影响尚未显现)
The improvements we've made are just the tip of the iceberg; we still have a long way to go.(我们所取得的改进只是冰山一角,还有很长的路要走)
The recent data leak is just the tip of the iceberg; we need to address the root causes of the problem.(最近的数据泄露只是冰山一角,我们需要解决这个问题的根源)
5. __ is not rocket science
__ 并没有那么难
Driving a car is not rocket science, you just need to be patience(开车并没有难么难,你只需要有耐心)
Using a computer is not rocket science, it just takes time(用电脑并没有难么难,只是会花时间)
Cooking a meal is not rocket science, anyone can learn(做一顿饭并没有难么难,任何人都能学会)
Writing a book is not rocket science, you just need to be consistent(写一本书并没有难么难,你只是需要持之以恒)
Saving money is not rocket science, just spend less than you make(存钱并没有难么难,只需要花的比挣的少)
Changing a tire is not rocket science, anyone can do it(换轮胎并没有难么难,任何人都可以做到)
6. It’s about time I __ (过去式)
我早就该 __ 了
It's about time I took a vacation, I've been working too hard lately. (我早就该去度假了,最近工作太努力了)
It's about time I visited my grandparents, I miss them a lot. (我早就该去看望我的祖父母了,我很想念他们)
It's about time I finished that book, I've been meaning to for months. (我早就该读完那本书了,我几个月前就打算读了)
It's about time I started saving money, I need to be more responsible. (我早就该开始存钱了,我需要更负责任一些)
It's about time I learned a new language, it would be useful for my career. (我早就该学一门新语言了,这对我的职业生涯会有帮助)
It's about time I started working on my passion project, I've been putting it off for too long. (我早就该着手我的梦想项目了,我已经拖延太久了)
putting __ off 拖延
7. I was busy __ ing
我之前在忙着 __
I was busy reading a book (我之前在忙着看书)
I was busy planning my next vacation (我之前在忙着规划我的下一个假期)
I was busy answering emails (我之前在忙着回复邮件)
I was busy studying a new language (我之前在忙着学习一门新语言)
I was busy working out at the gym (我之前在忙着健身,在健身房)
I was busy grocery shopping/ buying groceries (我之前在忙着买菜)
grocery ,超市,在美国买菜都是在超市进行的
grocery shopping/buy groceries 都是买菜的意思
8. I’m here to __
我是来 __ 的
I’m here to meet my friends (我是来见朋友的)
I’m here to pick up my package (我是来取包裹的)
I’m here to celebrate my birthday (我是来庆祝生日的)
I’m here to learn a new skill (我是来学新技能的)
I’m here to give a speech (我是来发表演讲的)
I’m here to get some exercise (我是来锻炼身体的)
9. I’m calling to __
我打来是要 __
I’m calling to thank you (我打来是要感谢你)
I’m calling to check on the status of my order (我打来是要查询我的订单状态)
I’m calling to book a reservation (我打来是要办理预定)
I’m calling to request more information (我打来是要请求更多信息)
I’m calling to renew my subscription (我打来是要续订我的订阅)
I’m calling to answer your question (我打来是要回答你的问题)
book a reservation 办理预定
book a room 预定房间
make a reservation 预约医生
10. It’s hard for me to __
我很难 __
It’s hard for me to say goodbye to you. (我很难对你说再见)
It’s hard for me to make a decision. (我很难做出决定)
It’s hard for me to keep up with the pace of work. (我很难跟上工作的节奏)
It’s hard for me to stay focused on one task. (我很难专注于一个任务)
It’s hard for me to handle so much pressure (我很难承受这么多的压力)
It’s hard for me to forget the past. (我很难忘记过去)
handle pressure 承受压力